Ashford Designer Outlet, Kimberley Way, TN24 0SD – decided

Discharge of conditions: 2, 13, 15, 16, 18 & 20


Decided: Permit

Original Application


Demolition of part of the existing Design Outlet Centre and the construction of buildings and structures to provide an extension to the retail designer outlet, comprising retail and restaurants units, tourist information / visitor unit, associated facilities, and office / centre management accommodation, re-configuration of existing car park, new car parking spaces, cycle parking, plant, hard and soft, public realms improvements, landscape works, highway works and other associated works

Posted on 16 November 2014


  1. Prior to commencement of development (save for the Early Works) a phasing plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority in writing showing the following;-
    1. the phasing of the development hereby permitted;
    2. the sequence in which each part of the development within a defined phase is to be carried out;
    3. the sequence in which the landscaping within a defined phase is to be carried out.

    Thereafter, the development shall only be carried out in in accordance with the approved phasing plan unless the Local Planning Authority has agreed to any subsequent changes in writing.

  1. Prior to any development and reconfiguration and diversion works commencing in respect of the defined Early Works, details shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority which show:-
    1. the location of the proposed site compound and
    2. routing of large goods vehicles to and from the site via the M20 and associated measures to be put in place to ensure compliance with that routing and
    3. hours of site access for long goods vehicles.

    Thereafter, unless any variation is agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority, the approved site compound and lorry routing shall be implemented in respect of the defined Early Works in accordance with the approved details and shall be retained as such for the duration of the defined Early Works hereby approved.

  1. Prior to the commencement of each defined phase of development (meaning for the purpose of this permission the Early Works and Main Works phases only) (or relevant part thereof), the following details shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority in writing for that phase (or relevant part thereof);-
    1. (a) details of parking for site personnel and visitors during construction,
    2. (b) details of access points, loading / unloading and turning areas for all construction and demolition-related traffic,
    3. (c) details of proposed dust suppression, odour suppression and vapour suppression methods,
    4. (d) details of proposed surrounding fencing / hoardings to any compounds,
    5. (e) details of proposed structures to be located within compounds and any proposed lighting (including measures to limit light spillage to the public highway and to nearby residents), and
    6. (f) details of any plant, equipment and machinery to be installed as part of the compound including details of hours of operation and noise during operation

    (all in consultation with the local highway authority). Thereafter the approved details shall be provided prior to the commencement of the relevant works and retained for the duration of the construction of the relevant works unless the Local Planning Authority has agreed otherwise in writing.

    1. Prior to the commencement of each defined phase of development (or relevant part thereof) including the commencement of any demolition, a Site Waste Management Plan (SWMP) shall have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority in writing for that phase. The SWMP shall include a detailed management plan for reducing construction waste during the demolition and construction phases of development in the phase (or relevant part thereof) in the form of site management, waste management and project design and planning. The approved SWMP shall be implemented throughout the period of demolition and construction work within the application site.
    2. Save for demolition and site clearance works, before any construction commences on the relevant defined phase (or relevant part thereof), a Scheme
      of Minimum Environmental Requirements for Construction (SMERFC) shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority for that
      phase (or relevant part thereof). Thereafter, construction shall be implemented in accordance with the SMERFC. The matters to be addressed in the SMERFC shall include the following;-

      1. design, implementation and protection of landscaping to relevant British Standards,
      2. Considerate Contractors / Code of Construction Practice,
      3. methodology of protecting existing and new trees to the relevant British Standard during construction, and
      4. a method statement for any piling or other noisy construction activities, or the installation and removal of any large static construction equipment such as cranes.
  1. Prior to the commencement of works relating to the relevant defined phase (or relevant part thereof), details of facilities by which vehicles will have their wheels, chassis and bodywork effectively cleaned and washed free of mud and similar substances at the application site during the defined Early Works and Main Works stages, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority for that phase (or relevant part thereof). Unless any subsequent change has been agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority, the approved facilities shall then be provided prior to the works commencing on site for that phase (or relevant part thereof) and thereafter shall be maintained in an effective working condition and used before vehicles exit the site and enter onto the adopted highway for the duration of the works.

1 Comment

  1. Bob Shrubb (Post author)

    Amended to reflect decision

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