19/01360/AS | Victoria Ward | Storage compound between Unit 5 and Watling Tyres, Chunnel Estate, Victoria Road, Ashford, Kent, TN23 7HJ Change of use from storage to a yard for second hand vehicle sales and erection of portacabin (8.5m x 2.7m) and mobile car port | |
19/01132/AS | Norman Ward | 115 Kingsnorth Road, Ashford, Kent, TN23 6HZ Removal of outbuildings and erection of residential annex | Permit |
19/00631/AS | Beaver Ward | 12 Beaver Lane, Ashford, Kent, TN23 4NP Loft conversion including hip to gable, rear dormer and front skylights. | Permit |
19/00826/AS | Victoria Ward | BP Filling Station, 18 Beaver Road, Ashford, Kent, TN23 7RP Formation of two Jet Wash Bays | Permit |
14/01402/ AM03/AS | Norman Ward, Victoria Ward, Furley Ward | Ashford Designer Outlet, Kimberley Way, Ashford, Kent, TN24 0SD Amendment to condition 7 on planning permission 14/01402/AS to change the wording to “for the sale of cosmetics and perfume save for a maximum of 563 square metres of existing floorspace” | Permit |
19/00730/AS | Norman Ward | 131 Beaver Road, Ashford, Kent, TN23 7SG Proposed first floor extension at the rear; addition of first floor side window. | Withdrawn By Applicant |
19/01126/AS | Beaver Ward | 46 St Stephens Walk, Ashford, Kent, TN23 5BE Certificate of Lawful Development- Proposed – Dropped kerb and Hardstanding to allow access for parking in front of the house. | Proposed Use/Development Would Be Lawful |
19/01108/AS | Victoria Ward | 13 Musgrove, Ashford, Kent, TN23 7UN Proposed single storey side extension; Propsed part single part two storey rear extension; Erection of canopy to front elevation; Construction of vehicle cross over. | Permit |
19/01091/AS | Beaver Ward | 158 Beaver Lane, Ashford, Kent, TN23 5PE Replacement of existing garage with single storey extension | Permit |
19/01110/AS | Victoria Ward | 135 Jemmett Road, Ashford, Kent, TN23 4RJ Certificate of Lawful Development- Proposed- Installation of a Dropped Kerb and hardstanding. | Proposed Use/Development Would Be Lawful |
17/00018/ COAC/AS | Victoria Ward | Former Powergen site, Victoria Road, Ashford, Kent Discharge of condition 47 (plot 3 ) | Permit |
17/01759/ CONG/AS | Victoria Ward | Former Pledges Mill and South Kent College Site, Victoria Road, Ashford, Kent Discharge of conditions: 36, 37, 42, 49, 58, 59 &; 60 in relation to Phase A2 | Permit |
19/01007/AS | Victoria Ward | Unit 1, Fairwood Industrial Park, Leacon Road, Ashford, Kent, TN23 4TT Replacement fascia and directional signs (non-illuminated) | Grant Consent |
18/00724/ AM01/AS | Victoria Ward | Land south of junction of Beaver Road and, Victoria Road, Ashford, Kent Revision to 1.) Hotel room windows – 2.) Building height – 3.) Grey bands to floor zones – 4.) Fire escape stairs enclosure – 5.) Gas cupboard enclosure – 6.) External refuse area – 7.) Additional hotel rooms – 8.) Safe roof access and associated screening 9) Removal of cover to cycle parking on northern elevation (Proposed minor material amendments to planning permission 16/01164/AS for a 120-bedroom hotel involving minor changes to layout, the provision of an additional storey and related elevation changes with associated parking, landscaping and access works) | Permit |
19/00750/AS | Beaver Ward, Norman Ward | 155 Kingsnorth Road, Ashford, Kent, TN23 6NE Single storey rear extension | Withdrawn By Applicant |
19/00014/AS | None Norman Ward | 129 Beaver Road, Ashford, Kent, TN23 7SG Part two storey/part single storey rear extension | Withdrawn By Applicant |
19/00019/ GPDE/AS | Norman Ward, Beaver Ward | 155 Kingsnorth Road, Ashford, Kent, TN23 6NE Notification of a larger homes extension – single storey rear extension (depth 8m x eaves 2.5m x ridge 2.8m) | |
17/00018/ CONU/AS | Victoria Ward | Former Powergen site, Victoria Road, Ashford, Kent Discharge of conditions: 31 (Flood Evacuation Plan) in respect of plots 3, 4 & 5; Condition 53 (sustainable drainage scheme) in respect of plots 3, 4 & 5; Condition 62 (broadband) in respect of plot 3 block C and Houses 4G, 4H & 4I | Permit |
19/01073/AS | Victoria Ward | Belmais, Victoria Crescent, Ashford, TN23 7HL Lawful development certificate – proposed – vehicle crossover with parking and fencing | Proposed Use/Development Would Be Lawful |
19/01005/AS | Beaver Ward | 49 Cleves Way, Ashford, Kent, TN23 5DG Certificate of Lawful Development- Proposed- Erection of a rear extension | Proposed Use/Development Would Be Lawful |
17/01759/ AM01/AS | Victoria Ward | Phase A3, Victoria Road, Ashford, TN23 7HJ Minor Design changes to Block A of Phase A3 on planning permission 17/01759/AS (Proposed minor material amendments to planning permission 16/01157/AS involving design changes to Phase A2 (X3 commercial uses (Use Classes A1/A2/B1) &; Phase A3 (216 residential units) with associated parking, substations, landscaping and access works relating to land south of Victoria Road ONLY with no design changes to the approved development of land north of Victoria Road for the purposes of a brewery with shop, bar and restaurant (use classes B2/A1/A3/A4).) | |
19/01127/AS | Norman Ward | Asda, Kimberley Way, Ashford, Kent, TN24 0SE Erection of 1 internally illuminated sign | |
19/00820/AS | Beaver Ward | 25 Flaxpond Road, Ashford, Kent, TN23 5PR Certificate of Lawful Development- Proposed- Installation of a Dropped Kerb | Proposed Use/Development Would Be Lawful |
17/00018/ COAD/AS | Victoria Ward | Former Powergen site, Victoria Road, Ashford, Kent Discharge of condition 15 | Permit |
19/00971/AS | Beaver Ward & others | BT Telephone Boxes in Borough Ashford Telephone Exchange, Regents Place, Ashford, Kent Proposed 90 day consultation on the removal of 11 public payphones | Split Decision |
19/00015/ GPDE/AS | Norman Ward | 235 Beaver Road, Ashford, Kent, TN23 7SJ Notification of a larger homes extension – single storey rear extension (depth 8m x eaves 3m x ridge 3 m) | |
19/01149/AS | Norman Ward | 65 Kingsnorth Road, Ashford, Kent, TN23 6HZ Variation of condition 12 on planning permission 17/00839/AS to allow for changes to windows/doors to alter internal layout changes | |
19/00853/AS | Beaver Ward | 137 St Stephens Walk, Ashford, Kent, TN23 5BA New conservatory to rear of property. | Permit |
19/01129/AS | Norman Ward | 132 Beaver Road, Ashford, Kent, TN23 7SR Retrospective application to retain 4 condensor units to the rear garden; Alterations to existing shopfront to provide sliding doors; new see-through shutter and front canopy. | |
17/00714/ CONB/AS | Norman Ward | Land between 1 Rose Villas and 25, Lower Denmark Road, Ashford, Kent Discharge of condition 12 | Permit |
19/00728/AS | Norman Ward | Keyline Builders Merchants Ltd, Wotton Road, Ashford, Kent, TN23 6LL Erection of three non illuminated fascia signs (Retrospective). | Grant Consent |
16/00986/ COND/AS | Victoria Ward | Former Travis Perkins Trading Co Limited, Victoria Crescent, Ashford, TN23 7HP Discharge of condition 10 (secure access arrangements to bin and cycle stores) and condition 19 (lighting strategy) | Permit |
19/01081/AS | Beaver Ward | 1 Brookfield Court, Ashford, Kent, TN23 5ER To re-route the existing internal commercial flue externally to the north eastern side of the building. | |
18/00724/ AMND/AS | Victoria Ward | Land south of junction of Beaver Road and, Victoria Road, Ashford, Kent Removal of Condition 7 – Asset Protection, AND amendments to the following conditions necessitating approvals from a ‘pre-commencement’ to a ‘prior to above ground works’ requirement; (1) Condition 2 – Materials , (2) Condition 8 – Surface Water Drainage Scheme, (3) Condition 9 – fine detail, (4) Condition 15 – soft and hard landscape works, (5) Condition 17 – landscape management plan, (6) Condition 18 – landscaping scheme for upgrading of the corner highways land, (7) Condition 19 – sustainable construction, AND amendment to Condition 24 (Ecological Works &; Management Strategy) from a ‘pre-commencement’ to a ‘prior to above ground level works commencing’ basis on planning permission 18/00724/AS (Proposed minor material amendments to planning permission 16/01164/AS for a 120-bedroom hotel involving minor changes to layout, the provision of an additional storey and related elevation changes with associated parking, landscaping and access works) | |
18/00724/ CONA/AS | Victoria Ward | Land south of junction of Beaver Road and, Victoria Road, Ashford, Kent Discharge of condition 2 | |
19/00783/AS | Beaver Ward | 158 Beaver Lane, Ashford, Kent, TN23 5PE Front extension to existing garage to form family room; extension to rear dormer window | Refuse |
18/00608/AS | Beaver Ward | Land East of Lantern House, St Stephens Walk, Ashford, Kent Two storey living facility providing 16 ensuite bedrooms with communal facilities for profoundly disabled adults and 6 apartments for staff accommodation with new access from St Stephens Walk | Permit |
16/01164/ AM01/AS | Victoria Ward | Land south of junction of Beaver Road and, Victoria Road, Ashford, Kent Removal of Condition 7 – Asset Protection, AND amendments to the following conditions necessitating approvals from a ‘pre-commencement’ to a ‘prior to above ground works’ requirement; (1) Condition 2 – Materials , (2) Condition 8 – Surface Water Drainage Scheme, (3) Condition 9 – fine detail, (4) Condition 15 – soft and hard landscape works, (5) Condition 17 – landscape management plan, (6) Condition 18 – landscaping scheme for upgrading of the corner highways land, (7) Condition 19 – sustainable construction, AND amendment to Condition 24 (Ecological Works &; Management Strategy) from a pre-commencement’ to a ‘within 3 months of commencement’ requirement’ on planning permission 16/01164/AS (Full planning application for a 120 bedroom hotel and associated parking, landscaping, substation and access works.) | |
19/00865/AS | Norman Ward, Victoria Ward | The Poplars, Kingsnorth Road, Ashford, Kent, TN23 6HR Application for prior notification of proposed demolition of existing apartments at 1 to 14 The Poplars &; terrace of 3 houses at 5, 7 & 9 Beaver Lane. | Withdrawn By Applicant |
17/01759/ CONJ/AS | Victoria Ward | Former Pledges Mill and South Kent College Site and land south of junction of Beaver Road and, Victoria Road, Ashford, Kent, Victoria Road, Ashford, Kent Discharge of conditions 64, 71, 72, 74, 76, 86 & 87 on Phase A3 to South of Victoria Road (residential building) | |
17/01154/ CONC/AS | Victoria Ward | Plots 3 4 and 5, Former Powergen site, Victoria Road, Ashford, Kent Discharge of condition 2 &; 5 | Permit |
17/01154/ CONB/AS | Victoria Ward | Former Powergen site, Victoria Road, Ashford, Kent Discharge of conditions 6 &; 7 | Permit |
17/01091/ CONA/AS | Victoria Ward | Former Powergen site, Victoria Road, Ashford, Kent Discharge of condition 1 | Permit |
17/00018/ CONY/AS | Victoria Ward | Former Powergen site, Victoria Road, Ashford, Kent Discharge of condition 56 (details of electric vehicle charging points) in respect of Plots 3, 4 and 5 | Permit |
18/01335/ AM01/AS | Beaver Ward | 112 Beaver Lane, Ashford, Kent, TN23 5NX Revision to alteration of french door and window on planning application 18/01335/AS (Single storey linked Annex Extension to Bungalow for disabled person accommodation). | Amended Plans Approved |
19/00971/AS | Beaver Ward & others | BT Telephone Boxes in Borough Ashford Telephone Exchange, Regents Place, Ashford, Kent Proposed 90 day consultation on the removal of 11 public payphones | |
17/00018/ CONX/AS | Victoria Ward | Former Powergen site, Victoria Road, Ashford, Kent Partial discharge of details reserved by Parts A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and K of condition 21 (fine detailing) in relation to Blocks 3A and 3B and Parts D, E, G and H to Blocks 3C and 4A to 4I (located within Plots 3, 4 and 5). | Permit |