Former site of Ashford Market, Elwick Road, Ashford, Kent – decided

Planning Application

Mixed use development comprising of restaurants and cafes (Class A3), a hotel (Class C1), leisure and assembly, including a cinema (Class D2), a car park, associated highway works, vehicle access, infrastructure, plant, car and cycle parking and landscaping (Phase 1).


Decided: Permit

This application is for Phase 1 of the development, Application Ref: 15/01282/AS, to which our post of 12 October 2015 refers.


  1. Pingback: Land opposite, 1-8 Elwick Road | South Ashford

  2. Bob Shrubb (Post author)

    The comments submitted on behalf of South Ashford Community Forum can be opened here (opens in Google pdf reader).

  3. Pingback: Elwick Place to go before planning committee | South Ashford

  4. Bob Shrubb (Post author)

    Amended to reflect announcement of Committee Date

  5. Bob Shrubb (Post author)

    Amended to reflect decision

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