Former Powergen site, Victoria Road – decided

Discharge of conditions: 17 & 20


Decided: Permit

Original Application


Hybrid application for five plots comprising:

  1. Full and detailed application for plots 1 and 2 comprising: erection of 400 dwellings, a retail kiosk/cafe unit (Use class A1/A3) and associated parking, public surface car park, plant and storage; together with landscaping and access works.
  2. Outline application with appearance and landscaping reserved with parameters for plots 3, 4 and 5 comprising:  demolition of existing buildings/structures and erection of up to 260 dwellings, associated parking, plant and storage together with landscaping and access works.

Posted on 16 January 2016


  1. Ecology Prior to the commencement of the development hereby approved the following addition surveys shall be undertaken to establish the presence or otherwise of protected species: (a) A river bank survey to establish the presence or otherwise of Otters, (b) A river bank survey to establish the presence or otherwise of Water voles, (c) A badger survey to establish the presence or otherwise of any badger setts within the site or within 50m of the site. The results of the surveys together with any necessary mitigation and a timetable for carrying out the mitigation shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority in writing and thereafter the mitigation shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details.
  1. Prior to the commencement of the development hereby approved details of a reptile translocation and management strategy shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority in writing. Thereafter the reptiles shall be translocated prior to any works including site clearance taking place

1 Comment

  1. Bob Shrubb (Post author)

    Amended to reflect decision

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