South Kent College, Jemmett Road, TN23 4RJ – decided

Discharge of condition 27


Decided: Permit

Original Application


Demolition of existing buildings and construction of up to 241 dwellings and associated access and landscaping

posted on 10 December 2016.


  1. Development shall not be commenced until works for surface water disposal and land drainage have been provided to serve the development hereby permitted, in accordance with details to be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority (the Environment Agency and the lead Local Flood Authority) at the same time as the details required pursuant to Condition 1 and such approved details shall be appropriately retained in perpetuity. The scheme shall take account of the principles set out in the Sustainable Drainage SPD and shall comprise retention or storage of the surface water on-site or within the immediate area in a way which is appropriate to the site’s location, topography, hydrogeology and hydrology.The submitted system shall be designed;-
    1. to avoid any increase in flood risk,
    2. to avoid any adverse impact on water quality,
    3. through a ‘best endeavours approach’ to achieve a run off rate of 4 l/s/ha or, where a case why run-off cannot be so restricted is submitted to and accepted by the local planning authority in writing as being justified, the submitted system shall be designed to achieve a reduction from the existing run-off rate for the site (where this can be established). As an absolute minimum the submitted system shall be designed so as not to lead to a net increase in run-off rate above the existing rate for the site (where this can be established) or 10.26 l/s/ha (where the existing run-off rate cannot be established).
    4. to promote biodiversity,
    5. to enhance the landscape,
    6. to improve public amenities,
    7. to return the water to the natural drainage system as near to the source as possible, and,
    8. to operate both during construction of the development and post-completion.

    The submitted details shall include identification of the proposed discharge points from the system, a timetable for provision of the system and arrangements for future maintenance (in particular the type and frequency of maintenance and responsibility for maintenance). The approved system shall be provided in accordance with the approved timetable. The approved system shall be maintained in accordance with the approved details and shall be retained in working order until such time as the development ceases to be in use.

1 Comment

  1. Bob Shrubb (Post author)

    Amended to reflect decision

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