Submit your best photos of Victoria Park and/ or Singleton Lake to win the opportunity to have your photo in an exhibition.

The deadline is 30 April 2019 and a maximum of four entries per person can be entered, two photos from Victoria Park and two from Singleton Lake.
There are four groups:
There are four groups:
- 11 and under,
- 12-16,
- 17 and over and
- ‘professional’ or photography club members
Competition Rules on Friends of Victoria Park website.
Email entries to
Could you please let me know if the deadline date for photographic entries has now been extended. Many thanks
Yes, the deadline is now 30 April. We have updated te post.
ive found an air raid shelter
Is the air raid shelter in Victoria Park or Singleton Lake?
Hello my daughter entered this competition and wondered when the results will be announced? Thank you
Winners of the photo competition will be notified later this week. We’d like as many as possible of the winners to come to Singleton Environment Centre this Saturday morning for a photo call. Keep an eye out for an email to the email address she registered with her entry!