Former Pledges Mill and South Kent College Site, Victoria Road

Discharge of condition 47


Start of Consultation: 22 Feb 2019

Original Application

Case RefDescriptionPosted on
17/01759/ASProposed minor material amendments to planning permission 16/01157/AS involving design changes to Phase A2 (X3 commercial uses (Use Classes A1/A2/B1) &; Phase A3 (216 residential units) with associated parking, substations, landscaping and access works relating to land south of Victoria Road ONLY with no design changes to the approved development of land north of Victoria Road for the purposes of a brewery with shop, bar and restaurant (use classes B2/A1/A3/A4).Full planning application for development of a brewery, with shop, bar and restaurant (Use Classes B2/A1/A3/A4), three commercial units (Use Classes A1/A2/B1) and 216 residential units with associated parking, substations, landscaping and access works.12 Dec 2017
16/01157/ASFull planning application for development of a brewery, with shop, bar and restaurant (Use Classes B2/A1/A3/A4), three commercial units (Use Classes A1/A2/B1) and 216 residential units with associated parking, substations, landscaping and access works.10 Aug 2016


Hard and soft landscaping
  1. Prior to above ground works commencing on land forming Phase A2 full details of the hard and soft landscape works shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The landscaping works shall accord with drawing 15.043 006 Rev C, unless otherwise agreed in writing.
    1. The full details of the soft landscape works to be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for approval shall include the planting plans; written specifications (including cultivation and other operations associated with plant and grass establishment); details of the planting that is designed to create year round colour; schedules of plants noting species, plant sizes and proposed numbers/densities where appropriate; full details of proposed tree pits of a size and specification to tree species and to ensure maturation and long-term survival; guards and any other measures necessary to protect trees in locations immediately adjacent to parking bays and an implementation and planting programme/timetable to ensure that all soft landscaping and planting is completed within 6 months of the completion of the development.
    2. The full details of the hard landscape works to be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for approval shall include details of hard surfacing materials (including colour finish, specification of paving and gauge as appropriate), drawings to scale to show lighting columns and lighting bollards, bollards to prevent vehicles accessing on-site parking by means other than via the vehicular access to George Street and any necessary methods of demarcating space as a result of its proposed long term private maintenance.
    3. The details shall include full details of any walls, car park gates/barriers, other gates and fences (including height, width and depth, materials, final finish colour) to be erected.
    4. The details shall include a scaled drawing showing soft and hard landscaping to be retained in private ownership and soft and hard landscaping to be the subject of adoption by the local highway authority (or any other public body).
    5. The hard and soft landscaping works shall be implemented in full in accordance with the details and timetable approved by the Local Planning Authority.
    6. If any trees and/or plants on land forming Phase A2 whether new or retained which form part of the soft landscape works approved by the Local Planning Authority die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased prior to the completion of the construction works or within a period of 10 years from the completion of construction such trees and/or plants shall be replaced in the next available planting season with others of a similar size and species, unless the Local Planning Authority gives written consent otherwise.

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