Proposals have been published for the redevelopment of Ashford International Sports and Social Club, previously Ashford Working Men’s Club.

The proposals include the demolition of the existing social club building and the creation of a replacement social club building at the rear of the site closer to B&Q.
The scheme also includes the development of 31 high quality apartments arranged in two blocks fronting Beaver Road and Norman Road, which will range in height from 3 to 5 storeys.
Parking spaces for the club and the apartments will be provided to the rear of the buildings with the vehicular access onto Norman Road retained. Communal amenity areas and landscaping is also proposed within the site.
The apartments will have 1 or 2 bedrooms and each apartment will have access to at least one parking space.
The developers, Cost Plan Group, would like to give club members and the local community the opportunity to share their views on the scheme prior to the submission of a planning application. Due to government guidance related to the COVID-19 pandemic, it is difficult to hold a public consultation meeting as they would normally do.
They have created an online public consultation website to encourage you to find out more about the proposal and give your feedback. The feedback received will be reviewed and analysed and where possible used to inform the final application submitted to Ashford Borough Council.
Costplan’s website indicate involvement in a number prominent developments internationally.

Costplan are in the process of preparing a planning application for the Site and the current consultation is part of the process. They will carefully consider all comments received, and use them to inform our final proposals.
The application will be accompanied by a variety of surveys and reports, on matters including flooding, highways and transport, ecology, archaeology, contamination and nutrient neutrality.
The proposals will be detailed with a full set of application drawings including floor plans and elevations.
Once the application is submitted, you will have a further opportunity to make your formal comments to Ashford Borough Council.
Costplan Group