Developer Chartway Group, with Orbit Homes, have submitted a detailed planning application to Ashford Borough Council (ABC) for the construction of 160 homes on the site of Ashford College in Jemmett Road.
This application follows the grant of outline permission in December 2016, when the College signed a Section 106 Agreement attached to an application which ABC’s Planning Committee voted to permit in 2011.
The proposals include a mix of dwelling types and sizes and a mix of tenures
Type/no of beds | No of dwellings |
1 bed flat | 10 |
2 bed flat | 32 |
2 bed house | 22 |
3 bed house | 53 |
4 bed house | 43 |
Total | 160 |
Of the 160 dwellings 51 will be sold on a shared ownership basis and 29 will be for affordable rent. The remainder will be for outright sale.
The ABC Case Reference for the detailed application is 17/00354/AS , the notice for which is posted in our planning notices section today (14 March 2017). The Reference for the outline application is 11/00405/AS , posted on 10 December 2016.