Discharge condition 1 Plots 1 &; 2 (Revised scheme)
Decided: Permit
Original Application
Proposed variation of Condition 08 of planning permission 15/01671/AS to replace the following approved plans:-
- Site Plan Proposed Illustrative Masterplan 14.046.S01.B
- Plots 3, 4 &; 5 Block Plan 14.046.101 F
- Parameter Plan Proposed Critical Distances 14.046.104 F
- Parameter Plan Proposed Range of Building Heights 14.046.105 F
- Parameter Plan Proposed Building Levels &; Plot Extents 14.046.106 G
- Parameter Plan Proposed Access, Routes and Communal Landscaped Areas 14.046.107 G
Posted on 19 January 2017
Hybrid application for five plots comprising:
- Full and detailed application for plots 1 and 2 comprising: erection of 400 dwellings, a retail kiosk/cafe unit (Use class A1/A3) and associated parking, public surface car park, plant and storage; together with landscaping and access works.
- Outline application with appearance and landscaping reserved with parameters for plots 3, 4 and 5 comprising: demolition of existing buildings/structures and erection of up to 260 dwellings, associated parking, plant and storage together with landscaping and access works.
Posted on 16 January 2016
1 Phasing
Prior to the commencement of the development a plan showing the boundaries of each plot (including corresponding landscaped areas and car parking) shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. If the plot boundaries subsequently change, a revised plan shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. “Plot” in this permission means a plot as identified on the approved plan.
Amended to reflect decision