Calling your doctor

Ashford CCGPeople in Ashford are being reminded that GPs can often discuss symptoms over the phone – without the need to make a face-to-face appointment.

Clinical Chair of NHS Ashford Clinical Commissioning Group, Dr Navin Kumta, said: “Many patients believe that a face-to-face appointment with a GP is essential. But in many cases, the GP – who has access to a patient’s notes – is experienced enough to make a diagnosis of the condition over the phone.

“This can save patients the time and trouble of having to get to a surgery. It can also mean that you can avoid a GP surgery that may be full of patients coughing and sneezing and passing on germs.

“Naturally, if your GP believes that you need a face-to-face examination he or she will arrange that.”
The advice comes at a time of the year when doctors’ surgeries and A&E services across the country are experiencing more calls than ever.

If you are ill or injured but it is not serious enough for a 999 emergency, and you can’t call or visit a GP surgery, call the free NHS 111 number for advice and guidance.

Those with computers, laptops and smartphones can use the interactive Health Help Now app from the Apple Store for iPhones, Google Play store for android phones or download from

Health Help Now gives instant advice about symptoms any time, day or night. It also has the opening hours of all Kent and Medway pharmacies, complete with directions on how to get to your nearest pharmacy which is open.

NHS Ashford Clinical Commissioning Group 21 December 2015

NHS Ashford Clinical Commissioning Group buys and plans the healthcare for the people of Ashford and the surrounding area.

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