This May elections will take place for Kent’s Police and Crime Commissioner.
- The referendum on whether or not the UK should stay in or leave the European Union could take place as early as June this year.
If you are not registered to vote you will not be able to take part in these ballots.
Make sure you are counted
A review of Ashford’s electoral boundaries is due to take place this year.
Electoral ward sizes are based on the number of voters in the wards. The ward sizes can affect many issues dealt with by Ashford Borough Council.
If you are not registered to vote you won’t be counted.
Did you know?
Many organisations rely on your being on the Electoral Register as evidence of your identity.
- In a recent example a family were not permitted to stay in planned holiday accommodation because they were not on the Electoral Register.
- You are unlikely to be able to open a bank account, take out a loan or mortgage or get a credit card if you are not registered to vote
Register now:
You will need to provide your national insurance number to register. This can be found on your national insurance card if you have one, or on paperwork such as your payslip, letters about benefits, tax credits and some pension documents. Please make sure you enter it correctly as it will be checked before you can be registered. If you do not have a national insurance number you can still use the website to make an application but it will ask you to give a reason and we may have to contact you for more details.
the Electoral Services Office on 01233 330402,
Write to
Electoral Services
Ashford Borough Council
Civic Centre
Tannery Lane
TN23 1PL
Am I already registered?
It is not possible to check online whether or not you are already registered. You can contact Electoral Services on 01233 330402 if you want to discuss any issues around your registration or call into our offices to view the current electoral register. Please note Electoral Services will not discuss your registration with anyone else including family members.