Water in your workplace

Water Saving WeekWhy save water at work?

  • Saving water at work can help you save other resources: If you include the products we use our water consumption is 3400 litres a day! If your workplace cuts down on these products not only water will be saved but also money, as most commercial premises are on a water meter. For example, if your workplace uses recycled paper and card products you can not only save water (roughly
    10 litres of water is used for every new sheet of A4) but also trees, energy and money!
  • Saving water at work can save energy: Many companies find that when they save water they can also save money on energy and process costs. For example, by saving water through having less air-con units and using natural ventilation via windows instead, energy bills will also be reduced, saving your business money.

Top Water Saving Tips

  • Ditch bottles: Ask your workplace to replace bottled water with mains water fountains.
  • Be competitive: Set goals and get offices competing for prizes by saving the most water.
  • Have a water audit done: As well as simply offering advice, water companies can usually carry out water audits for offices and commercial premises, breaking down your water usage and telling you where and how you can save water in your workplace.
  • Stay put when you need to meet: To renew 1 litre of petrol uses 10 litres of water and to produce the fuel to fly 100 miles uses 4000 litres of water, so try to do video conferences to avoid travelling unnecessarily.
  • Save paper, save water: Each new sheet of A4 takes 10 litres to produce so buy recycled paper and card products for your workplace – you’ll also be helping to save trees and energy at the same time!
  • Turn down the air-con: If your office has lots of air-con units it’ll be using a lot of water – try replacing some of these by gaining airflow through windows and vents instead.
  • Washroom to Boardroom: Ask your workplace to make water part of the Board agenda to show it’s taken seriously and also share anything you’re doing at work to save water via your website, newsletter, social media etc. Spread the good work you’re doing!
  • Teacycle: Pour any leftover cold tea onto indoor plants, as long it’s not too milky you’ll be doing them good! Also, try and stick with the same mug all day for your hot drinks at work.

Download the Waterwise Workplace Info Pack

Waterwise Water Saving Week is dedicated to raising awareness of how to save water by using it wisely. This is an annual event and coincides with World Water Day which this year is on 22nd March 2016. Each week day has a unique theme that will focus on saving water in a particular area whether it be at home, in your garden, at work, at school or in your local community. These information packs (one for each themed day) will help you think about how to save water by giving you challenges to do each day as well as some extra water-saving tips! So get involved, take on the challenges, try the tips and let us know how you’re doing by tweeting @waterwise using #watersavingweek.

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