Discharge of condition 38 (Residential Information Pack – Landscaping)
Original Application
Demolition of existing buildings and construction of up to 241 dwellings and associated access and landscaping
posted on 10 December 2016.
- No dwelling shall be occupied until details of a residents’ information pack in respect of the approved soft landscaping and tree planting on the Plot (or within communal areas) has been submitted and approved by the Local Planning Authority in writing. The residents’ information pack shall comprise the following:-
- appropriate graphic and written material to illustrate the details of landscaping to be provided on the Plot or within the relevant communal areas of flats together with similar material to identify how the landscaping is a component part of the street scene within which the Plot or block of flats is located,
- details of the likely visual impact of the approved planting at maturity and the benefits of chosen species in terms of enhancing biodiversity
- details of essential maintenance information per season to help residents and those managing communal areas maintain approved landscaping to maturity.
The approved details shall be given to the first occupier of the dwelling and also those managing communal areas at flats at first occupation.