The applicant has appealed a decision by Ashford Borough Council to refuse an application to change an industrial unit in Eastmead to a motorcycle workshop.
Alexander Motorcycles currently located on Ellingham Industrial Estate applied, in December 2017, to change the use of Airtech House in Eastmead Avenue from industrial/commercial use to a motorcycle workshop. Ashford Borough Council refused the application in, August 2018, because “The proposed change of use would give rise to an unacceptable level of noise and disturbance to residents within the locality which cannot be adequately mitigated. As a result, the residential amenity of the occupiers of dwellings in the locality would be significantly harmed to their detriment. “
Alexander Cadenhead, a director of Alexander Motorcycles, submitted an appeal against the decision on 3rd February of this year.
Ashford Borough Council planning case ref: 17/01873/AS
Planning Inspectorate case ref: APP/E2205/W/19/3221781