South Ashford Community forum has drafted its response to the planning application for the proposed East Stour Park Development.
We are aware that a petition has been started against the development. Petitions cannot be presented at meetings of the Planning Committee so will have no effect on the decision. All who wish to object to this development should submit their comment using the process set out on the Ashford Borough Council website: https://www.ashford.gov.uk/planning-and-building-control/making-planning-applications/comment-on-applications/
South Ashford Community Forum will include the issues listed below in its comment. You may include these issues in your own comment but need to formulate them into suitable paragraphs.
- Site is in Green Corridor
- Development would add further severe restriction to the Green Corridor and movement of wildlife in an area adjacent to which such movement is already constrained by the station, railway and roads round it.
- The proposed ‘enhancement’of the Green Corridor does not adequately mitigate the loss of Green Corridor.
- The exit of traffic onto Norman Road so close to the Kimberley Way Roundabout will create a hazard
- Site is not allocated in local plan; development not required to meet 5y housing need.
- Developments of the proposed size on greenfield sites should go through the SHEELAA selection process and not be considered as windfall sites.
- The sequential test does not include the Homeplus site.
- The claim that properties in Riversdale Road would flood before the site is incorrect as experienced in 2014.
- There is no mention in the current Green Corridor Action Plan of a Wetland Country Park in the South Willesborough Dykes.
- Development of the South Willesborough Dykes, or part of it, as a country park would have a severe negative impact.
Ashford Bourough Council Case Reference: 19/00709/AS