Kent County Council
Opens 6 January 2020
Closes 17 February 2020
The 5 Year Plan (Kent County Council’s [KCC] strategic statement) is their flagship strategy. It unites the council with clear outcomes and objectives.
Tell them what you think and help make Kent the best place to live, work, play, learn and invest in.
Read the video transcript.
Over the past 5 months KCC have been listening to:
- Kent residents
- young people
- businesses
- voluntary and community sector organisations
- its staff
- its partners across public services.
They have heard about what is important to quality of life in Kent and what people’s priorities are.
Based on what they have heard, they have developed a draft plan. The plan shapes what they will do, what they will prioritise spending money on and how they will work together with their partners over the next 5 years.
The plan sets out 7 draft outcomes for Kent:
Enterprise and investment
Making Kent an ambitious and successful county, with high quality jobs, skilled workers, enterprising businesses and thriving town centres and rural areas.
Securing sustainable infrastructure
As Kent grows, working with partners to put in place the infrastructure that communities need, including roads, school places and utilities.
Connected transport and communities
Keeping Kent’s roads and pavements well maintained and safe, keeping traffic flowing and improving public transport so everyone can get around the county.
A cleaner and greener Kent
Keeping our streets, towns and parks tidy and clean, protecting the green areas and coasts that make Kent so special and leading the way on tackling the climate emergency.
Stronger and safer Kent communities
Continuing to bring communities together so everyone feels involved and supported and working with partners to make sure everyone feels and stays feeling safe.
Opportunities for children and young people
Giving children the best start in life, providing effective early help when families need it and making sure every young person gets the education, skills and experiences they need for a successful future.
Quality health, care and support
Helping people to live well, working with partners to improve people’s physical and mental health and resilience and providing quality social care when people need it.
Each outcome has a set of more specific objectives that KCC will work with partners to deliver. We will also stand up for Kent’s interests with government.
Now they are keen to hear your thoughts about it so we can make changes before publishing the final version.
Tell them what you think
They recommend that you read their 5 Year Plan consultation document (PDF, 678.4 KB) before responding to the consultation questionnaire.
They’d like to hear your views on:
- how well the 7 draft outcomes reflect what is important to your quality of life
- how well the draft objectives will help them to deliver each of these outcomes.
The consultation will close on 17 February 2020.
Respond to the draft 5 Year Plan consultation questionnaire
If you can’t complete the questionnaire online, use the Word version of the questionnaire (DOCX, 175.7 KB)
Consultation documents:
- 5 Year Plan consultation document (PDF, 678.4 KB)
- 5 Year Plan easy read consultation document and questionnaire (PDF version) (PDF, 2.7 MB)
- our 5 Year Plan easy read consultation document and questionnaire (Word version) (DOCX, 10.2 MB)
- equality impact assessment (PDF, 331.3 KB).
Alternative formats
If you need any of the consultation materials in an alternative format or language please email or call 03000 42 15 53 (text relay service number: 18001 03000 42 15 53). This number goes to an answering machine, which is monitored during office hours.