- If you have a timer on your central heating system, set the heating and hot water to come on only when required.
- If you turn down your main thermostat by 1 degree, you can save around 10% on your energy bill. But make sure your home is warm enough during cold weather. Cold homes can damage your health.
- Installing a room thermostat, a programmer and thermostatic radiator valves and using these controls efficiently could save you around £75 a year.
- Close your curtains at dusk to stop heat escaping through the windows and check for draughts around windows and doors.
- Draught-proofing of window and doors and blocking cracks in floors and skirting boards can save around £20 a year on energy bills.
Learn more from the Energy Savings Trust
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Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, Citizens Advice, Energy Saving Trust
’20 Ways to Save Easy, expert-approved, energy-saving actions’
Image: Energy Savings Trust