For parents
17 April 2020
A special COVID-19 message
When your child is ill or injured it is very difficult to decide if/when to call your child’s GP, NHS 111 or go the Accident and Emergency Department (A&E). While the governmen tis asking everyone to slay an home, it can be confusing to know what to do. Here is some guidance around what to do if your child shows any of the following symptoms or signs.
For advice on COVID-19 and chlldhood illnesses/injuries visit www.NHS.UK

You should go to A&E and/or call 999 immediately if
- Pale/mottled/ashen/blue colour
- Collapsed/unresponsive/loss of conciousness
- No obvious pulse or heartbeat
- Severe allergic reaction
- Extreme irritability/pain/sleepiness
(can be woken but falls asleep immediately)
- Seizure/jerking movements/fit
- Sucking in and out between ribs
- Flaring nostrils
- Extremely fast breathing
- Unusually noisy breathing
- Bleeding from an injury that doesn’t stop after 10 minutes of pressure
- Fever with a stiff neck

You should go to A&E if
- Dizziness/feeling faint
- Rash that does not fade when you press it
- Burn
- Possibie broken bone
- Swallowed foreign objects
(especially magnets/batteries)
- Temperature higher than 38°C
in a baby younger than 3 months old
- Your Child has special health care needs
and you have a plan that tells you to go to A&E
- Feels abnormally cold to touch
- Expressing suicidal/significant self-harm thoughts
- Head injury

You should call your GP if
- Mild/moderate allergic reaction (known or suspected)
- New rash that fades when you press on it
- Mild irritability/sleepier than normal
- Moderate tummy pain
- Vomiting and diarrhoea
- Not passed urine for more than 12 hours
- Temperature >39°C [age 3-‘I2 months]
- Temperature over 38°C for 5 days or more
- Accidentai overdose of medication or other substances
- Ear pain for more than 2 days
- Emotional distress (where your child can’t be reassured)

You should use 111 online or call 111 if:
- Ear pain for less than 2 days
- Mild tummy pain
- Temperature over 38°C for less than 5 days
Designed by primary and secondary care clinicians from Barts Health NHS Trust and East London Health and Care Partnership