Restrictions in England
From 17 May
Government guidance remains that you should stay 2 metres apart from anyone who is not in your household or support bubble where possible, or 1 metre with extra precautions in place (such as wearing face coverings) if you cannot stay 2 metres apart.
Meeting Others | Overnight stays | Education | Work and business |
You can meet outdoors in groups of up to 30 people. You can meet indoors in groups of up to six people or two households. You don’t have to stay 2m apart from friends and family, but consider the risks to you and those you are with. | Domestic overnight stays are allowed, in groups of up to six people or 2 households. | Schools, colleges and universities fully open. Regular testing provided | You should continue to work from home if you can. |
Retail and personal care | Bars, Pubs and Restaurants | Accommodation | Leisure and sporting facilities |
Open. | Open. Groups of up to six people or two households allowed indoors. Groups of up to 30 allowed outdoors | All holiday accommodation open, including hotels, hostels and B&Bs | Open indoors and outdoors, including gyms, indoor sports facilities, swimming pools, saunas and steam rooms. Organised sport and group exercises allowed. |
Entertainment | Large Events | Residential Care | Shielding |
Open indoors and outdoors, including cinemas, bowling alleys, zoos and theme parks. | Events, including live performances, business events and sporting events can proceed with capacity limits, indoors and outdoors. | People who live in a care home can have ‘low risk’ visits out of the home without the need to isolate when they get back. Residents can also name up to five visitors. | If you are clinically extremely vulnerable (CEV) you do not need to shield, but should continue to take extra precautions such as shopping at quieter times of the day. You can follow the same advice on meeting friends and family as everyone else |
Domestic travel | Overseas travel | Places of Worship | Weddings and Funerals |
Travel safely. Plan ahead and avoid the busiest times and routes if you can | Check whether your destination is on the red, amber or green list. You should not travel to red and amber countries. If you are travelling to a green country, check the rules in your destination as testing or quarantine requirements may be in place. | Open. You can attend in groups of 6 people or 2 households | Weddings, receptions, life events and wakes can take place with up to 30 attendees, indoors in a COVID-Secure venue, or outdoors. No limit on funeral attendees, subject to how many the venue can safely accommodate with social distancing. |
For more information and detailed guidance visit: gov.uk/coronavirus