Lottery/prize draw scams

Friends Against Scams are running a Scamnesty Month to raise awareness of scams. This week they are focussing on Lotteries and prize Draws.

Lottery/prize draw scams say you’ve won a large amount of money. They may tell you to keep it a secret & pressure you to respond quickly.

If you or loved ones receive letters like this, be warned it is a scam.

Read how to protect yourself from Lottery/prize draw scams

Find out more about Scams

ARE YOU or someone you know, inundated with scam mail? Tempted to respond to it? Keen to help track down the criminals behind scams and help put a stop to their activities?

IF YES to any of the above then why not become a Scam Marshal for National Trading Standards (NTS) Scams Team.

To get advice or report a scam contact Citizens Advice consumer helpline or telephone 0808 223 1133
Report a Scam

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