Why save water in your school?
- Saving water at your school can help you save other resources: If you include the products we use as well as actual water use, our daily water consumption is 3400 litres! One sheet of A4 uses 10 litres of water to produce, so try and make sure it’s only used when essential!
- Saving water at your school can save energy: Water needs energy to pump, treat and heat it, whilst energy needs a lot of water to produce it – so by saving one you’ll save the other! Saving water and energy will also save schools money as they are on a meter, as well as promoting sustainable behaviour and helping to protect the environment.
- Saving water at your school can help educate people about the environment: By taking action and saving water (and energy as a result), your school will be actively demonstrating that anyone can use water more wisely and set a good example for future water consumers. Make sure you tell staff, parents and the wider community about your water saving actions!
Top Water Saving Tips
- Keep a water diary: Write down when you use water during your day at school day and try to work out where you use the most water.
- Do your own water audit of your school: Work out how much water certain activities use and how you can save water in your school (further information provided in Water Saving Week pack)
- Fun water education: Quite a few water companies have education centres that run water saving sessions and it’s often free!Contact your local water company to arrange a visit.
- Create a video about water in your school – how much do we use, how to save it etc.(Secondary pupils): Fancy creating a 30 second video on saving water? Make a video and send it to us or tweet it!
- Create your very own water cycle model (Primary pupils): Try making a model of the water cycle – use imaginative materials and send us photos of your models!
- Ditch bottles: When compared to tap water, bottled water is expensive – it also takes 5 litres to produce a 1 litre bottle of water . Ask your school cafeteria to replace bottled water with mains water fountains. Make sure to drink plenty of tap water!
- Watercolours: Save water by not washing brushes under a running tap (6 litres of water wasted every minute!). Instead seal brushes in an airtight bag until next time they need to be used or place brushes in a bowl of warm, soapy water and rub the bristles with your ngers to remove paint.
- Keep the water-saving knowledge flowing and be competitive: Add a water saving tip into your school newsletter and on your website; or why don’t you write an article for your newsletter and website telling people how you’ve been saving water and the benets it’s brought your school? Tell the world about your water-saving habits!
- Be competitive: Set water-saving goals for your school and give out rewards when these are achieved. You could also compete against other schools in your areas to see who can save the most water.
- Install push taps: They reduce water use as well as preventing flooding if drains are blocked – it’s a win-win solution!
Download Waterwise School Info Pack
Waterwise Water Saving Week is dedicated to raising awareness of how to save water by using it wisely. This is an annual event and coincides with World Water Day which this year is on 22nd March 2016. Each week day has a unique theme that will focus on saving water in a particular area whether it be at home, in your garden, at work, at school or in your local community. These information packs (one for each themed day) will help you think about how to save water by giving you challenges to do each day as well as some extra water-saving tips! So get involved, take on the challenges, try the tips and let us know how you’re doing by tweeting us @waterwise using #watersavingweek.