Green Corridor

Chaper 5 – Topic Policies

Section D – The Natural and Built Environment

ENV2 Green Corridor

The Green Corridor Action Plan 2016 (opens as pdf from ABC website), which supports this Local Plan provides a detailed description of the value of each area of the current Green Corridor Network and identifies new areas for extension to the designation and proposes opportunity areas to be considered in the future for extensions (see updated Policies Map). The action plan outlines future enhancement projects and recommended maintenance, and provides information on priorities and estimated costs of the enhancements.

All development proposals on land within or adjoining the Green Corridor designation must demonstrate that the proposal would not harm the overall environment, biodiversity value, visual amenity, movement networks or existing functions of the Green Corridor. All proposals must make a positive contribution to the Green Corridor in respect of its environment, biodiversity, visual amenity, movement networks or functioning and development on sites adjoining the corridor must also take into account its impacts on the setting.

Policy ENV2 – The Ashford Green Corridor

The protection and enhancement of Ashford’s Green Corridor is a key objective.

Development proposals within the identified Corridor designation (and proposed extensions) will be permitted, providing that it is compatible with, or ancillary to, their principal open space use or other existing uses within them, and it can be demonstrated that the proposal would not harm the overall environment, biodiversity, visual amenity, movement networks or functioning of the Green Corridor.

Other forms of development proposals, including those relating to an existing use within the Green Corridor will not be permitted, unless it would be in accordance with a site specific policy in this Local Plan; or where it relates to a) the redevelopment of a suitable brownfield site or b) delivers overriding benefits, and in either scenario, that it can be demonstrated that there would be no significant harm to the overall environment, biodiversity, visual amenity, movement networks or functioning of the Green Corridor.

Development proposals on land adjoining the Green Corridor shall provide suitable access and links to the existing networks of the adjoining Green Corridor wherever possible; and make a positive contribution to the Green Corridor in respect of its environment, biodiversity, visual amenity, movement networks or functioning and its setting.

Development proposals must take into consideration the appraisals, projects and management recommendations set out for the specific areas in the Ashford Green Corridor Action Plan, including the identified proposed extension areas to the designation.


  1. Bob Shrubb (Post author)

    South Ashford Community Forum have submitted a Representation relating to this Section of the Local Plan.

  2. Pingback: Ashford Local Plan to 2030 – South Ashford

  3. Pingback: Local Plan Representations – South Ashford

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