- Deer head trees and bugs by Victoria Park Nursery
- Tree and birds by St Simon’s year 6
- Oak Tree and hawker’s by St Simon’s & Ashford Oaks
- Victorian Perambulation by Ashford Oaks Year 3
- Drinking from the River by Ashford Oaks Year 3
- Fountain and Bird by St. Simon’s Year 6
A Young Peoples Sculpture Trail Sculpture Trail has been installed in Victoria Park in readiness for the official unveiling at Create Music Festival (www.createfestival.co.uk/ ➚) on Saturday. Ashford Borough Council commissioned artist Martin Brockman of Outdoor Studios (http://outdoorstudiosarts.com/ ➚) to create the sculptures with children from Ashford Oaks and St. Simon’s Primary Schools and Victoria Park Nursery. Martin Brockman will have a stand in the new Love Ashford Zone at Create and will be giving out maps, info and leading tours of the trail.
The trail has been funded by a Tesco ‘Bags of Help’ grant www.tesco.com/carrier-bags/ ➚.