Biffa staff will continue to check what is being placed in recycling bins to try and ensure that the loads collected are clean and can be recycled. If Biffa find an unrecyclable item in your recycling bin, the crew will not collect it for that week. Your recycling bin will be collected upon your next recycling collection, provided the correct items are present.
Read the tops tips and useful information below to make sure you’re recycling smart.Do not line your recycling container with bags
- Do not put carrier bags/plastic sacks of items into your green recycling bin. Carrier bags and plastic sacks themselves cannot be recycled as part of this service.
- Sanitary waste items such as nappies are not recyclable. Please place them in your grey refuse bin.
- Food waste packaging should be emptied of its contents and rinsed before placing in your green recycling bin.
- Garden waste should be placed in your brown recycling bin – not the green recycling bin.
- Do not put dark plastic food trays (from microwave meals for example), or crisp packets in your green recycling bin. Please place them in your grey refuse bin.
- Remove film lid , recycle tray
- Cannot be recycled put in grey bin