Lower bus subsidy saving comes with 1% extra council tax.

Kent County Council (KCC) have announced that the saving proposed on bus subsidy will be reduced from £ 2.25 million to £ 0.45 million, however it has also been announced that KCC propose an extra 1% rise in the precept giving a total rise of 4.99% or 58.82 for a Band D property.

Since KCC published its budget proposals in October 2017:

  • the government has accepted the Kent and Medway bid to become a Business Rate Retention pilot scheme in 2018/19.
  • the provisional local government settlement for 2018/19 announced by the Secretary of State in the House of Commons included an increase in the amount authorities can raise in council tax by 1% without a referendum

Kent County Council 15 January 2018

The change brings the total rise in the Council Tax for a Band D property to £ 75.78 giving a total Council Tax of £ 1639.10.

Kent and Medway Fire Authority’s budget was also announced before the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government raised the referendum threshold for Council Tax rises to 3% and may be reviewed.

The table shows the annual Council Tax for a Band D property

Council Tax 17/18 % Rise £ Rise  18/19
KCC 1,178.82 4.99% 58.82 1237.64
ABC 154.00 2.28% 3.50 157.50
FRA 73.35 2.00% 1.46 74.81
PCC 157.15 7.64% 12.00 169.15
Total 1563.32  4.85% 75.78 1639.10

We will update this post as more information becomes available

Posts relating to budget consultations:

KCC Budget Strategy 2018/19

KMFRA Safety and Wellbeing Plan and Budget Consultation

ABC Budget Consultation

Kent Police and Crime Commissioner Consultation

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