We have sent an email to Cllr. Dara Farrell,
KCC Ashford South Division, ABC Victoria Ward
We have been complaining for over a year regarding the poor/lack of lighting on the footbridge between Victoria Road and Elwick Place. KCC Highway’s solution is to, this morning, close the steps to the bridge; I was told because there have been accidents on the steps. Whilst this may protect KCC against claims, it does not resolve the issue of lighting on the bridge itself. It is totally unsatisfactory, that the claimed access issue has not been resolved during the time for which this issue has existed.
Please could you press KCC Highways to resolve this issue.
Cllr Mike Whiting, KCC Cabinet Member for Planning, Highways, Transport and Waste
Cllr Charles Suddards, ABC Victoria Ward,
Cllr Brad Bradford, ABC Portfolio Holder for Health, Parking & Community Safety
Cllr Paul Bartlett, ABC Joint Transportation Board Chairman
Response from Dara Farrell
Thank you for your email.
In recent weeks I have been in contact with officers in relation to the footbridge and the inadequacy of its associated lighting and a safety inspection was carried out by a steward in response. Yesterday Cllr Bartlett and I received an email informing us of the closure. While I understand the reason for doing so, you do raise an important issue in relation to the length of time that this issue has been outstanding.
Lisa, would it be possible for you to update us on the access issue?
… and KCC’s District Manager
Firstly, I must clarify that the steps to the footbridge have been closed as a precautionary measure not because there have been accidents as suggested in the email below from Mr Shrubb.
I understand from our Streetlighting Team that Richard has been in email correspondence with you recently about the lighting and the problems that are preventing a solution currently. Richard is not available today but I have arranged for Richard to contact you on his return.