Following our announcement that Ashford Borough Council have submitted a planning application for the construction of 17 affordable rented apartments on the Noakes Meadow public open space (refer to our post dated 26 October 2018), the Council have now published a notice of their intention to appropriate the site for the purpose.

Local Government Act 1972 Sections 121(1) & 122(2b)
Land known as land at Halstow Way
Notice is hereby given that Ashford Borough Council intends to appropriate for housing purposes land having an approximate area of 3,347 square metres at Halstow Way. This land consists of open space. A plan of the land is available to view at the Customer Contact Centre of Ashford Borough Council.
Any objections to the intended appropriation must be made in writing and addressed to: – Mr T W Mortimer, Corporate Director (Law and Governance) & Monitoring Officer, Ashtord Borough Council, Civic Centre,Tannery
Lane, Ashford, Kent, TN23 1 PL, quoting reference DSJ/H6-383
Objections must be received no later than 8th March 2019.
Dated this 7th February 2019.
T W Mortimer
Corporate Director (Law and Governance) & Monitoring Officer
Ashtord Borough Council