The next meeting of the Friends of Victoria Park will be held
at 7.00 pm
on Monday 29th April 2019
at Ashford Indoor Bowls Centre
Victoria Park, Jemmett Rd, TN23 4QD
We will be joined by Chris Dixon, Arts and Cultural Industries Manager, at Ashford Borough Council, who will tell us about Create Music Festival 2019
Join us if you would like to help protect, conserve and enhance Victoria Park and invite friends and neighbours who would also like to help.
The agenda for the meeting is
- Welcome
- Create
- Apologies
- Minutes of Previous meeting
- Matters Arising
- Amendment to constitution
- Events and Activities
Photo competition
5k Fundraiser
Armed Forces Day
Butterfly Count - Any Other business
Download a printable copy here
Under Item 6. this meeting will include the following proposals to amend to the constitution:
Paragraph 1 currently reads:
The group and its members will be called and known as the ‘Friends of Victoria Park’ (from here on the group will be referred to as the ‘Group’). The Group was formed on 5th March 2018
The management Committee suggest it is amended to:
The group and its members will be called and known as the ‘Friends of Victoria Park’ (from here on the group will be referred to as the ‘Group’). The Group was formed as a consultation group by Ashford Borough Council on 5th March 2018, and became an independent constituted group on 7th September 2018.
Paragraph 11 currently reads:
The Friends of Victoria Park shall be administered by a Management Committee of not less than seven and not more than eleven members elected at the Group’s Annual General Meeting. Committee Members must be at least 18 years old.
The management Committee propose it is changed to:
The Friends of Victoria Park shall be administered by a Management Committee of not less than seven and not more than eleven members elected at the Group’s Annual General Meeting or, when the number of Committee Members is below eleven, at any General Meeting. Committee Members must be at least 18 years old.
A vote on these changes will be taken by show of hands during the meeting. Anyone not able to attend the meeting may notify the secretary of their acceptance or objection to the proposed changes by contacting us.