Flood Warning lifted

The Flood Warning affecting parts of South Ashford was lifted on Monday Morning and the Flood Alert for the Lower Stour was lifted thisMorning (Christmas Day) but the whole of the Upper Stour area remains at Flood Alert

Updated at 7:42pm Wednesday 25 December 2019

Upper River Stour

Flooding is possible – be prepared

River levels have fallen significantly throughout the Upper Stour catchment but some low lying land and roads may still be affected by flood water, particularly in the area around Great Chart. The Aldington and Hothfield flood storage areas are still impounding water from the recent heavy rainfall last week but water levels are falling steadily. The weather conditions are expected to remain dry overnight but further rainfall is forecast on Boxing Day, 26 December 2019 which is likely to cause further localised flooding of low lying land.   We are continuing to monitor the situation as the catchments remain very responsive to further rainfall.    This Flood Alert message will be updated tomorrow morning, 26 December 2019.

This information was last updated at 7:42pm Wednesday 25 December 2019

River levels are falling through the catchment. We are storing water at Aldington and Hothfield Flood Storage Reservoirs and they are emptying slowly. Today is forecast to be dry but the occasional shower cannot be ruled out. Weak frontal systems are forecast on Monday/Tuesday night with blustery showers embedded, a second system is forecast for Thursday. The current expectation is that these are not likely to be as disruptive as last weeks rainfall. We are monitoring conditions. Residents should remain vigilant as catchments are saturated.

This information was last updated at 12:33pm Monday 23 December 2019

South Ashford on the East Stour River, Aylesford Stream, Whytewater Dyke and Ruckinge Dyke

Last time in force: 8:57am Monday 23 December 2019

After a period of drier weather, river levels have fallen and the risk of flooding has now passed.

This information was last updated at 8:57am Monday 23 December 2019

Upper River Stour

Flooding is possible – be prepared

River levels are high following recent heavy rainfall. The weather forecast is for less rainfall over the next few days, which will allow river levels to reduce. The ground remains very wet, and river levels will rise again if there is further heavy rain. We continue to monitor the situation closely, This message will be updated in the morning on Monday 23/12/19, or as the situation changes.

This information was last updated at 7:05pm Sunday 22 December 2019

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