In March 2021, the government published a new National Bus Strategy which sets out a framework for recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic and a vision for future bus service improvements across the UK.
The strategy places a requirement on all Local Transport Authorities and Bus Operators to create a Bus Service Improvement Plan, which will act as the vision for how they are going to try to improve bus services in Kent in the next few years. This will then be used to help create Enhanced Partnership Schemes with bus operators, which will set the standards for all bus services running in the county.
Kent County Council’s (KCC) first version of the Improvement Plan must be published by the end of October and their Enhanced Partnership Schemes need to start from April 2022.
KCC need your help!
KCC are excited about the opportunity this presents and want to ensure that our Improvement Plan reflects the views of Kent residents.
First of all they want to know what would make bus travel more attractive to you. Answer two quick questions to tell them your thoughts.
Your feedback will help them create proposals for the Plan. They will be shared later in the Summer.
- What would make bus travel more attractive to you?
Please take a few minutes to answer these questions to help us understand what factors may encourage you to travel by bus more often.
- Early engagement
Kent Bus Service Improvement Plan is currently at this stage
Give KCC your views by 25 July - Further engagement
This is an upcoming stage for Kent Bus Service Improvement Plan
KCC will seek your views on our emerging proposals - Publication of first version of Improvement Plan
This is an upcoming stage for Kent Bus Service Improvement Plan
By 31 October - Ongoing engagement
on Plan and how its working
Kent County Council, 28 June 2021.