Ashford Borough Council

New rules on multiple occupation

Landlords with properties across the Ashford borough are being urged to prepare for changes to the rules governing Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO).

From 1 October 2018, all HMOs with five or more people comprising of two or more family units will require a licence to operate. Currently an HMO licence is only required if a property is over three or more floors, so the main change is the removal of the number of storeys from the HMO definition.

The changes are contained in The Licensing of Houses in Multiple Occupation (Prescribed Description) (England) Order 2018. The government estimates that the changes will mean an extra 160,000 properties will need to be licensed in England, with Ashford Borough Council estimating that up to 150 properties will need to be licensed across the borough.

The new legislation will also introduce minimum space standards for bedrooms. Rooms sleeping one adult must be no smaller than 6.51m2. And any rooms sleeping two adults must be no smaller than 10.22 m2. Rooms slept in by children aged 10 or younger must be no smaller than 4.64 m2.

Where minimum space standards are not being met, councils will be able to grant a period not exceeding 18 months to rectify the situation. Landlords must also provide adequate receptacles for the storage and disposal of household waste produced at the property.

Landlords are required to apply for a licence before 1 October and comply with any changes needed to be made. If, after this period you have not complied with the new scheme, you could face serious penalties, including hefty fines and criminal prosecution.

For more information on the changes and to make an application, contact Ashford Borough Council on

Ashford Borough Council  19 June 2018

Poplars, Beaver Lane – Redevelopment Consultation

Ashford Borough Council is proposing a redevelopment of the Poplars, Beaver Lane, to 30 units as independent living for older people.

They are holding a public consultation event

  • from 4.00pm to 6.00pm
  • On 5th June 2018
  • At United Church Hall
    Cade Road, Ashford TN23 6JE

Ashford Borough Council want to engage with local residents and keep you informed and hear your views on the proposals. This is only part of the consultation process and they will be happy to receive correspondence via email, telephone or in person.

If you are unable to attend this event and wish to discuss the proposals or have any questions, please contact them:

  • email: site,
  • telephone: 012333 333311, or
  • visit the Civic Centre in person

Victoria Park Needs You

Do you have children under 11 years old?

Do you use Victoria Park?

How would you like to see the park developed and used in the future?


Ashford Borough Council are going to the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) for £3miIlion to redevelop the Park. We need local parents who use the Park to help us develop the plans.


Please drop in to Ashford Gateway on Thursday 3rd May from 11.30 am – 1pm to share your ideas for the park.
(Please note this is one of several consultation sessions we are running)


Ashford Gateway Plus, Church Rd, Ashford TN23 1AS.

For more information and to book

please contact Claire Adler:
Email: Telephone: 07970 671965

Call for mums in Ashford

The Diocese of Canterbury are looking for mothers in Ashford area to join forces with recently arrived Syrian Refugee mums for an exciting and unique art project to explore the theme of Home with an award winning textile artist.

You’ll Work together to consider: what makes you feel at home, how do feel about home-making and what does it mean for you?

There is no need to have ANY previous experience. There will be 1 or 2 interpreters at each session and children of all ages are welcome. Initially the meet-ups will he from 10am-12pm, but there is flexibility to make these longer as the Weeks go on. Expect lots of cake to be involved!

About the project

Home is a joint project between the Diocese’s Communities and Partnerships Framework,  People United and Ashford Borough Council and will take place between April and October 2018. It will bring newly arrived Syrian refugee mums together with long-term resident mums in Ashford and has been given the green light by Arts Council England.

Participants will work with a female visual artist over a period of 6 months to explore the theme of home: What makes a place a home, how do women feel about home-making and what does it mean for different people? Together, the group will create artworks for a public exhibition.

Kent Refugee Officer, Domenica Pecoraro said:

“I’m so delighted that we are involved in this project, which is a new strand to our work on refugees and asylum. It affirms everything we stand for as a people of faith regarding our belief in the dignity and shared humanity of all people.

‘Maya Angelou once said, ‘The ache for home lives in all of us, the safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned.’ This creative project will provide a safe space where apparently very different women will be able to connect and relate to each on a common issue.”

If you would like more information about how to get involved, please email Domenica on

Diocese of Canterbury  01 March 2018

Help build up plans for Victoria Park

Ashford Borough Council have secured initial funding to develop a £3.7m restoration and improvement project. They are looking to make the park an even better place to visit, with thanks to support from the National Lottery through the Heritage Lottery
Fund and Big Lottery Fund.

21st April 2018

9:30am – 3:30pm

Get involved

Come along and take part, we’d love to hear what you think about the park and what changes you would like to see.

Fun activities for all the family to enjoy featuring:

  • Mini sports day
  • Giant board game
  • Fantasy spending

Activities will take place by the fountain in the park.


Refuse collections

Waste and food binsAshford Borough Council’s refuse collection contractor, Biffa, will be collecting grey refuse bins this week.

Residents that have not had their refuse bin collected since the week commencing 26th of February and have a full bin are asked to bag additional waste, using refuse bags, and place it next to their grey bin so it can be collected in the upcoming week.

Please note that excess waste placed in carrier bags will not be taken.

ABC appreciates residents patience and would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Ashford Borough Council 12 March 2018

ABC Refuse bin collection update

ABC CrestAshford Borough Council have, announced that due to the severe weather, bin collections have unfortunately been disrupted this week. Residents are now advised to bring their bins in. The next refuse collections will take place on the week commencing 12 March.

Don’t forget, you can take your waste to the tip, or bag it up and put it next to your grey bin upon your next refuse collection. Food waste can also be placed in your refuse bin if your food caddy is full. Food waste will be collected with your next refuse collection.

Recycling collections will commence as normal from next week (5 March)

ABC apologises for the inconvenience caused and we would like to thank residents for their patience during these unpredictable weather conditions.

Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople consultation

Help shape our Local PlanGypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Issues and Options

Ashford Borough Council

Opens: 21 Feb 2018
Closes: 6 Apr 2018 at 17:00.

Ashford Borough Council are committed to meeting the identified needs of the Gypsy and Traveller community within the borough. In order to meet this need, the Council is in the process of developing a Development Plan Document for Gypsies and Travellers.  This document seeks the views of the Gypsy and Traveller communities, residents and stakeholders, on the issues and options for Gypsy and Traveller site selection in Ashford.

The issues and options outlined within this consultation are not a statement of intention by Ashford, instead they are designed to highlight the key themes and suggested options upon which they need your views. Consultation on the issues and options report and consideration of the responses to consultation will assist the Council to analyse the merits and drawbacks of all the practical options available for providing sites for Gypsies, Travellers and travelling showpeople. As part of this issues and options consultation, they are seeking to identify suitable sites to consider for inclusion as Gypsy, Traveller and travelling showpeople sites within the DPD.  Suggestions for the inclusion of specific sites are an important aspect of consultation on this particular Issues and Options report.

The format of the consultation is to provide some background information and then pose a series of questions to help guide responses, and there is the opportunity to raise further issues and options as part of this consultation. (more…)

Friends of Victoria Park first meeting

Friends of Victoria Park first meeting

  • Hubert Fountain6:00pm
  • Monday 5th March
  • Civic Centre,
    Tannery Lane,TN23 1LP

Ashford Borough Council have secured initial funding to develop a £3.7m restoration and improvement project for Victoria Park and Watercress Fields, thanks to support from the National Lottery through the Heritage Lottery Fund and Big Lottery Fund. The Council are working with a number of specialists who will help us to undertake historic research about the park, explore ideas for activities, events, schools resources and training, as well as developing designs for restoration and improvement works.

As part of the project The Council are setting up a Friends of Victoria Park group. Please do come along to this first no commitment evening, you can find out more about what a friends group does and how you can get involved.

Victoria Park Community Consultation Event

Victoria Park Community Consultation Event

Saturday 21st April

Ashford Borough Council have secured initial funding to develop a £3.7m restoration and improvement project for Victoria Park and Watercress Fields, thanks to support from the National Lottery through the Heritage Lottery Fund and Big Lottery Fund. The Council are working with a number of specialists who will help us to undertake historic research about the park, explore ideas for activities, events, schools resources and training, as well as developing designs for restoration and improvement works.

Come along to Victoria Park, meet the project team, find out what’s been happening and give them your views