
Health Improvement Services Consultation

Kent County CouncilKent County Council is canvassing residents’ thoughts on a proposed new model for future public health improvement services that aims to assist them to live longer lives.

A consultation is underway to ensure that all KCC Public Health services are based around the needs of the person, encourage personal responsibility and, wherever appropriate, are delivered within integrated services. There will be a particular focus on the health inequalities within and between communities.

KCC Public Health Director Andrew Scott-Clark explains: “The way that Public Health currently commissions means that these services work independently and each has specific outcomes to achieve. For example; in the smoking services, success is measured by how many people have quit smoking. An individual may need to access a number of these services if they have more than one health behaviour that they wish to change. (more…)

Health Visiting and School Public Health Service Consultation

Kent County CouncilKent County Council (KCC) is seeking views on the proposed service delivery models for Health Visiting and the School Public Health Service.  Consultation responses will be used to improve services and ensure that they are designed around the needs of Kent residents. Residents are at the heart of what KCC do and how we deliver services.

KCC continues to actively engage all stakeholders, undertake ongoing service evaluation, research and focus group work to tailor all services to local needs. They value the opinion of all current, past and potential services users and want to create the opportunity for the wider public to shape service delivery in the future.

Kent County Council would like to hear your views on future models they have proposed to deliver services to children and young people, and which will best achieve the desired outcomes for the 0-19 population.

Consultation ends 14 December 2015

Kent County Council 2 November 2015

Provision of talking therapies in Kent

Ashford CCGEast Kent IAPT procurement

Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) is an NHS programme rolling out services across England offering interventions approved by the National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) for treating people with depression and anxiety disorders.

The NHS in east Kent is committed to making sure that talking therapies are available for people with anxiety, depression and other common mental health problems. We want people who need talking therapies to get a high quality service and have a choice of provider.

The current contracts for NHS talking therapies which started in 2012 run out at the end of December 2015.

So the four clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) in east Kent, which plan and pay for the majority of local health services, have carried out a procurement for organisations to provide talking therapies from 1 January 2016 (more…)

World Stroke Day

The FAST test

  • Facial weakness: Can the person smile? Has their face fallen on one side?
  • Arm weakness: Can the person raise both arms and keep them there?
  • Speech problems: Can the person speak clearly and understand what you say? Is their speech slurred?
  • Time: If you see any one of these three signs, it’s TIME to call 999. Stroke is always a medical emergency that requires immediate medical attention.


Tea, coffee and therapy on the menu for new café

Ashford CCGA café will open in Ashford for people who need help and support with their mental health over the weekend.

The Wellbeing Café will run as a six-month pilot on Friday and Saturday nights and is funded by NHS Ashford Clinical Commissioning Group.

It will mean that people who experience anxiety, low mood, loneliness and isolation can drop in and speak to a trained mental health support worker over a cup of tea or coffee.

The café will be based in House, Stour Centre, Tannery Lane and opens on Friday 23 October from 6pm until 9.30pm. It will be operated on behalf of the Ashford Mental Health Action Group (MHAG) by a group of partners including Maidstone and Mid Kent Mind and Speakup CIC. (more…)

Help shape stroke services

Ashford CCGThe NHS is asking local people who have experience of stroke to complete a survey to help improve local stroke care.

You don’t have to have had a stroke yourself – if you are the relative or friend of someone who has, and you have views on the service they received in Kent and Medway, your views are welcome.

The survey is part of a review of the care stroke patients receive within the vital first 72 hours. The review is looking at stroke services across Kent and Medway and is being led by the eight local NHS clinical commissioning groups. (more…)

KCC Sensory Strategy

Sensory ServicesKent County Council has spent some time asking sight impaired, deaf and deafblind people, their families and carers and professionals working in a variety of organisations what services and support they should provide in the future. As a result they have produced a draft Sensory Strategy for Kent. The Strategy sets out a vision and plan for services for sensory impaired people over the next three years, 2016-19.

They are now keen to check that the Draft Strategy accurately reflects what they have been told. They invite you to read the Draft Strategy and then complete a short questionnaire, giving your feedback.

Kent County Council

Health checks and advice at Ashford event

Ashford CCGFree NHS health checks and healthy living advice will be on offer at an event in Ashford later this month.

Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust will be carrying out the checks, which test lung function, blood pressure, pulse and cholesterol levels, on Wednesday 23 September between noon and 2pm.

They will also be offering advice on staying healthy, being active and stopping smoking at ‘the green’, opposite Trinity House, Upper Pemberton, Ashford.

Health checks are for people aged 40 to 74 and will determine whether you are at an increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease, kidney disease or diabetes in the future.

Find out more by visiting

Have your say on wheelchair services

The NHS in Kent and Medway is reviewing the way Wheelchair Services are currently delivered. If you are a wheelchair user, are a parent of a wheelchair user or if you care for someone that uses a wheelchair, they would appreciate your feedback. 

Your comments and feedback will help them understand what people think is important when it comes to the provision, maintenance and repairs of your wheelchair.

Wheelchair Service budgets are under pressure due to increasing demand. The NHS needs to find ways to support as many people as possible within the available resources and still provide the very best service, especially to those people who need their help the most.                                                                                                                                                                                      Complete the survey

The survey will close on Monday 31st August.  If you would prefer to receive a paper copy please contact