7 William Road, Ashford, Kent, TN23 7UT
Planning Application
Erection of a part single storey and part two storey rear extension and insertion dormer window to rear
Decided: Permit
Planning Application
Erection of a part single storey and part two storey rear extension and insertion dormer window to rear
Decided: Permit
Planning Application
Notification of a proposed larger home extension – single storey rear extension (depth 5.1m, height 3m, eaves height 3m)
Decided: Approve
Candidates in the forthcoming Ashford Borough Council elections for the wards of Beaver, Norman and Victoria attended a hustings event organised by South Ashford Community Forum (SACF) on 22 April. (more…)
Application for non-material amendment – Change of configurations of windows to the north elevation
Decided: Amended plans approved
Original Application: 14/00790/AS Front and rear extensions
Previous Amendment: 14/00790/AMND/AS Change of the roof profile to the proposed sanctuary section of the rear extension
Planning Application
Erection of 2 No. fixed projecting illuminated signs
An enthusiastic group of volunteers from Keep Ashford Clean and South Ashford Community Forum helped to clean up Noakes Meadow, South Ashford on Saturday. (more…)
All nominations for candidates for Ashford Borough Council Elections have been submitted and the lists of candidates published. We list the candidates for the Wards included in the Forum Area. (more…)
We will build the site into a hub for South Ashford as well as the source for information on the Community Forum. The location of each page is shown on our site map.
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Planning Application
Erection of two-storey rear extensions to No. 256 and 258
Decided: Permit
For information: this site adjoins the new dwelling proposed under Application 15/00258/AS
Refer to previous post
Planning Application
Proposed installation of new shop front and installation of flue extraction.
Decided: Permit