Ashford Borough Council
Opens: 7 November 2016
Closes: 28th November 2016
Ashford Borough Council has launched a consultation on the introduction of Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs) for four areas within the borough. The consultation began at 9am on Monday 7th November 2016 and runs until midnight on Monday 28th November 2016.
PSPOs allow councils to tackle ant-isocial behaviour which takes place in a specific, geographical area (as opposed to criminal behaviour orders and injunctions which are directed at individuals). A PSPO is tailored for defined activities, meaning that anyone carrying them out in an area under one of these orders can be prosecuted.
The areas within the consultation have been identified by the council, police reports and complaints received from local residents for nuisance issues. Examples of these include anti-social behaviour, drinking and urinating in public.
The four proposed areas are; the churchyard in the Ashford town centre, the Coney Bear site in South Ashford, the town centre and Singleton Lake.
Following the end of the consultation period, all responses will be analysed and the results reported back to the council. The council will then decide whether each order will be introduced or whether any changes need to be made.
For details on all the proposed PSPOs download the information sheet: PSPO fact sheet.pdf 4MB (reproduced below)
Details from PSPO fact sheet
1 of 2016 – Gating of Churchyard Passage
The PSPO relates to the public footpath which leads from Churchyard Passage at its junction with the High Street and as shown in blue on the map below.
It proposes to restrict the right of way along this pathway between the hours of 22:00 Friday and 06:00 Saturday and 22:00 Saturday to 06:00 Sunday.
The alternative route for pedestrians will be along Tufton Street into Bank Street and then into the pedestrianised High Street. This is shown on the map with a red dotted line.
- Gating of Churchyard Passage (Click to enlarge)
- Gating of Coney Bear Site (Click to enlarge)
2 of 2016 – Gating of Coney Bear Site
The PSPO proposes the restrict the right of way from Torrington Road to Eastmead Avenue, Ashford as shown edged blue on the map below.
The alternative route for pedestrians will be along Torrington Road into Lower Denmark Road and into Eastmead Avenue. This is indicated on the map with a red dotted line.
3 of 2016 – Ashford Urban
The Public Spaces Protection Order proposes to restrict the following activities in the public areas shown by the black line on the plan.
Any person who without reasonable excuse, fails to comply with requirements of the order commits an offence and shall be liable to a fixed penalty notice of a £100.
- No person shall urinate or defecate in a public space. This includes the doorway or alcove of any premise to which the public has access.
- No person shall refuse to stop drinking alcohol or hand over any containers (sealed or unsealed) to an authorised officer (police or Ashford Borough Council officer) which are believed to contain alcohol.
- No person shall use a motor vehicle to perform activities so as to cause a nuisance (e.g. revving engine, excessive use of horn, etc.).
- No persons shall play ball games in areas which is signed as ‘no ball games’
- No person shall use foul or abusive language.
4 of 2016 – Singleton Lake
The Public Spaces Protection Order proposes to restrict the following activities in the public areas shown by the black line on the plan.
Any person who without reasonable excuse, fails to comply with requirements of the order commits an offence and shall be liable to a fixed penalty notice of a £100.
- All anglers must have a valid ticket, and be able to produce it on demand, for fishing at the lake or be a paid-up member of Ashford Angling Society
- All anglers must have appropriate rod licence issued by the Environment Agency with them and produce on their demand.
- All anglers must fish from the platforms/swims/pegs provided.
- No night fishing – no angler shall fish at the lake between sunset and sunrise.
- All fish caught must be returned to the lake whether dead or alive.
- Water birds must not be driven away by throwing stones or any missile
- No lighting of fires.
- No erecting of tents or bivvies
- No damage shall be done to the bankside, trees or water plants by digging, cutting or otherwise.
- No person may remove, displace or otherwise interfere with any life-saving equipment (except in an emergency).
- No person may deposit in or on land controlled waste.
- No person may enter the water at any time (except in an emergency situation).
- No person shall refuse to stop drinking alcohol or hand over any containers (sealed or unsealed) which are believed to contain alcohol, when required, to do so by an (police or Ashford Borough Council officer) in order to prevent public nuisance or disorder.
- No person shall use foul and/or abusive language.
- No urinating or defecating.
- No amplified music, radio, or other audio is to be played through any device, electronic or otherwise, with the exception of audio devices used in conjunction personal headphones that effectively remain inaudible to other users of the public space.
- No boating on the lake.
Survey questions
- Please select the relevant PSPO according to the area you would like to feedback on:
- Are you responding as a…? (please select all that apply)
- Local resident who lives in the marked area on the map
- Local resident who lives outside the marked area on the map
- Person who works in the marked area on the map
- Local business owner/manager
- Visitor to the marked area on the map (e.g. shopper, tourist)
- Local Borough, Parish or County Councillor
- Representative of a local community group (please state the name of the group in the comment box below)
- Other (please state in the comment box below)
- How often do you visit the marked area on the map in Ashford?
- How safe do you feel when outside DURING THE DAY in the area marked on the map?
- How safe do you feel when outside in the EARLY EVENING (between 5pm and 8pm) in the area marked on the map?
- How safe do you feel when outside AFTER DARK in the area marked on the map?
- How much of a problem, if at all, do you think each of the following are to people living or working in or visiting the marked area on the map?
- People being drunk or rowdy in a public place
- People who misuse substances in a public place
- Flytipping
- People sleeping rough
- People who defecate or urinate in public spaces
- The use of motor-vehicles in an anti-social manner
- People playing ball games in areas marked ‘no ball games’
- Would you like to give us feedback about another of the four areas?