
KCC Budget Consultation

KCC LogoKent County Council has launched a six week consultation campaign to explain the impending scale of the county council’s budget challenge for next year.

The Council estimates it needs to make £80 million of savings for the 2016/17 budget.

This comes on top of savings of £433 million already made over the last five years.

The council will be asking people how they want their money spent in the face of increasing demands for county council services at a time of reduced funding. (more…)

Help shape stroke services

Ashford CCGThe NHS is asking local people who have experience of stroke to complete a survey to help improve local stroke care.

You don’t have to have had a stroke yourself – if you are the relative or friend of someone who has, and you have views on the service they received in Kent and Medway, your views are welcome.

The survey is part of a review of the care stroke patients receive within the vital first 72 hours. The review is looking at stroke services across Kent and Medway and is being led by the eight local NHS clinical commissioning groups. (more…)

Ashford’s change in pest control services

Ashford Borough Council is committed to keeping its council tax low, so it is essential that public funds are focussed on statutory services. With this in mind, the council will be changing the way it provides pest control services.

From 1st January 2016, subsidies will be removed and charges will be introduced for services relating to rats, mice, bedbugs and cockroaches. Local authorities are not legally required to provide a pest control service, although they do have a duty to keep their district free from rats and mice. (more…)

Land rear of 1 to 5, between 5 and 6 and south east of 20, Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way – decided

Erection of 3 new light industrial units and associated works and alterations to vehicular access way to car park area and formation of additional parking bay.

Discharge condition 7, 8


Decided: Permit

Original Application

14/01376/AS Erection of 3 new light industrial units and associated works and alterations to vehicular access way to car park area and formation of additional parking bays


  1. Prior to works commencing on site, details of parking for site personnel as well as details of loading and turning areas for construction traffic shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and thereafter shall be provided and retained throughout the development. The approved parking, loading and turning areas shall be provided prior to the commencement of development. Reason: To ensure provision of adequate parking, loading and turning facilities for vehicles in the interests of highway safety and to protect the amenities of local residents in accordance with policy.
  2. Prior to the commencement of development, details of facilities, by which vehicles will have their wheels, chassis and bodywork effectively cleaned and washed free of mud and similar substances at the application site, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved facilities shall then be provided prior to the works commencing on site and thereafter shall be maintained in an effective working condition and used before vehicles exit the site and enter onto the adopted highway for the duration of the construction works.

Planning application submitted for Elwick Square

Developer Stanhope has submitted a planning application for the mixed use development of Elwick Square comprising restaurants and cafes, a hotel, leisure and assembly, including a cinema, a car park, associated highway works, vehicle access, infrastructure, plant, car and cycle parking and landscaping.

This application is for Phase 1 of the development and does not include the residential element.

The application can be viewed on the ABC Planning site Members of the public have until 4th October to comment on the application.

KCC Sensory Strategy

Sensory ServicesKent County Council has spent some time asking sight impaired, deaf and deafblind people, their families and carers and professionals working in a variety of organisations what services and support they should provide in the future. As a result they have produced a draft Sensory Strategy for Kent. The Strategy sets out a vision and plan for services for sensory impaired people over the next three years, 2016-19.

They are now keen to check that the Draft Strategy accurately reflects what they have been told. They invite you to read the Draft Strategy and then complete a short questionnaire, giving your feedback.

Kent County Council