
What glass can I recycle at home?

Help make a difference this Recycle Week. If you don’t already recycle, now’s the time to start.

Glass bottles and jars are widely recycled. Ashford Borough Council collects glass for recycling.



Yes please No thanks
Bottles of any colour, e.g. wine, beer, spirits Glass cookware, e.g. Pyrex, microwave plates
Jars, e.g. sauces, jam, baby food Drinking glasses
Non-food bottles, e.g. perfume, aftershave, face creams Ceramics, e.g. crockery, earthenware
Nail varnish bottles
Light bulbs and tubes


Some types of glass do not melt at the same temperature as bottles and jars. If they enter the glass recycling process it can result in new containers being rejected. These items should be recycled separately – check with your local household waste recycling centre.


  • Put lids and caps back on. This reduces the chance of them getting lost during the sorting process as they can be recycled separately.
  • Empty and rinse – a quick rinse will do. Leftover liquid can contaminate other recyclables which may mean they aren’t recycled.
  • At bottle banks, blue glass goes in with green glass.
  • Corks should be removed from bottles before they are recycled but can be home composted.


Recycle Now

Ashford Borough Council

What to do with Plastic Bottles

Help make a difference this Recycle Week. If you don’t already recycle, now’s the time to start.

Some people are confused about which plastics they can recycle:


The following types of plastic bottles can be put in your Green Recycling Bin

Yes please No thanks
All clear and coloured plastic bottles from around the home Plastic bottles containing chemicals (e.g. anti-freeze)
Detergent and soap bottles (minus the pump)
Cleaning product bottles (e.g. bathroom cleaners, bleach) (Triggers can be left on)
Skin care product bottles
Shampoo and shower gel bottles
Fizzy and non-fizzy drinks and water bottles
Milk bottles
Ready-to-use plant food and pesticides bottles (check the label)


  • Replace lids and tops. If they stay on the container they will get recycled.
  • Squash bottles to save space.
  • Empty and rinse bottles. Left over foods or liquids can contaminate other recyclables and if bottles contain liquid they may not be recycled as deemed too heavy by the automated sorting process. Liquid can also damage the machinery.
  • Leave on labels – these will be removed in the process.


It is estimated that an average of 35.8 million plastic bottles are used EVERY DAY in the UK, but only 19.8 million are recycled each day. This means there are on average 16 million plastic bottles a day not making their way into the recycling bin.


Tips for recycling plastic bottles

  • Triggers can be left on when recycling cleaning product bottles such as bathroom cleaners.
  • But soap bottles pumps need to be removed and disposed of in the rubbish bin.

Other Plastics packaging

The following plastics packaging can also be put in your Green Recycling Bin

Yes please No thanks
Food pots and tubs Carrier bags/plastic sacks whether empty or containing recyclable waste
Margarine tubs Dark plastic food trays (from microwave meals for example)
Margarine tubs Plastic film, metalised film or packaging made of plastic film, , such as crisp packets
Yoghurt pots


Recycle Now

Ashford Borough Council

Recycle Week Competition

It’s Recycle Week

Take part in the Recycle Now competition

‘Spot the swoosh’ on bins, signs, posters and packaging. Wherever you see it, we want you to snap it and share it.

Tweet your pictures using #spottheswoosh by 13:00 on Friday 28 September to be entered into a competition to win prizes from Recycle Now’s partners including John Lewis and Quorn.

Kent Household Waste Recycling Centres Consultation

Kent County Council

Opens: 6 September 2018
Closes: 1 November 2018


Kent County Council (KCC) is seeking the views of service users, members of the public and other interested parties, on a proposal to charge for the disposal of non-household waste at the Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs), sometimes known as the ‘tip’.

Non-household waste included in this consultation;

Soil, rubble and hardcore
Even if originating from a domestic property, these materials are to be treated as non-household waste in accordance with the Controlled Waste Regulations 2012.

In recent years the amount of waste from household alterations and building works that is being brought to our HWRCs has increased. Furthermore, with neighbouring authorities adopting charging, this will have an impact on KCCs HWRCs with regards to cross border usage.

Therefore, we are proposing to introduce charges, which are in line with other councils, to recover the cost of dealing with these types of non-household waste, and continue to offer a disposal option. These charges are intended to help KCC achieve critical savings while still maintaining a comprehensive service for residents.

KCC is proud to have made significant progress in its environmental performance over the past 10 years. More than 99% of Kent’s household waste is now recycled, treated or recovered to produce energy, with less than 1% sent to landfill.

Have your say

Your participation in this consultation and views on this proposal are important and will help KCC to carefully consider options and inform any decision.

We recommend you read the consultation document which can be found in the ‘Documents’ section below. To take part in, please fill in the online questionnaire which is available by clicking on the link below.

This consultation closes on 1 November 2018.

Alternative formats: If you require any of the consultation material in an alternative format or language please email alternativeformats@kent.gov.uk or call 03000 421553 (text relay service number: 18001 03000 421553). This number goes to an answering machine, which is monitored during office hours.

Privacy: Kent County Council collects and processes personal information in order to provide a range of public services. Kent County Council respects the privacy of individuals and endeavours to ensure personal information is collected fairly, lawfully, and in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation. To see a copy of our Privacy Notices please click here.

KCC recommend using Google Chrome if viewing and downloading consultation documents from mobile devices.



Consulting Organisation Type Kent County Council
Consulting Organisation Name Kent County Council
District / Borough areas affected by the consultation Ashford, Canterbury, Dartford, Dover, Gravesham, Maidstone, Medway, Sevenoaks, Shepway, Swale, Thanet, Tonbridge & Malling, Tunbridge Wells
Consultation Topic General interest, Recycling, rubbish and waste management
Consultation Methods Online survey / questionnaire / forms
Contact Details If you have any questions about the proposal, or require paper copies of any of the supporting documents, please contact: wastedisposalstrategy@kent.gov.uk or 03000 41 73 73

Kent County Council   06 September 2018

Brookfield Court improvements underway

… resurfacing work, is due to commence on Monday 16th July for two days …

Resurfacing works at the Brookfield Court shopping area car park, located just off Brookfield Road, South Ashford is just one of many planned improvements in the area.

The changes are being driven by the Bybrook, Bockhanger and Ashford South Advisory Committee (BBASAC), which was established by Ashford Borough Council. Its remit is to engage and liaise with accredited local user groups, assess the needs and aspirations within their wards and then achieve both immediate and sustainable improvements within their local environment.

The Committee has been working hard to secure renovations at this site. Along with the much-needed resurfacing work, which is due to commence on Monday 16th July for two days, it is planned that the broken tiles on the side of the main shop’s building will also be fixed.

Biffa, the external contractor, is currently conducting a thorough deep cleanse of the car park and footpath areas, which involves the removal of litter, spraying and removal of weeds. In order to address the ongoing litter problems, two litter bins will be relocated to positions that should increase their use and an additional litter bin will be installed at the alley way located between the Co-op and Budgens.

Aspire Landscape Management has cleared the moss from the cobbles at the front of the car park, removed the damaged knee rail from the grassy area and cleared the footpath next to Paddy Power. Planned future works include painting of the remaining knee rail, power washing of the paving slabs outside of all of the shops to remove the grime, the repair and planting of shrubs near to the Co-op, the removal of brambles and weeds in all areas on site, pruning of the trees near the entrance and the removal of the 1960s broken bike racks.

Cllr Bill Barrett, Vice Chairman of the BBASAC, said: “The Bybrook, Bockhanger and South Ashford Advisory Committee sought from its very inception to seek out the areas within its remit that were in need of attention and the Brookfield Court Shops complex  is a prime example of that. The group’s goal is to improve such areas quickly and efficiently; making best use of council assets and resources. I know the work undertaken will improve the shops for the local community and the businesses alike and I have been proud to have been part of the endeavour.”

Cllr Andrew Buchanan, Chairman of the BBASAC, said: “I hope that all users, be they local residents or regular visitors will notice and appreciate the hard work from everyone involved and enjoy their enhanced environment.”

Ashford Borough Council  12th July

Victoria Park Needs You

Do you have children under 11 years old?

Do you use Victoria Park?

How would you like to see the park developed and used in the future?


Ashford Borough Council are going to the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) for £3miIlion to redevelop the Park. We need local parents who use the Park to help us develop the plans.


Please drop in to Ashford Gateway on Thursday 3rd May from 11.30 am – 1pm to share your ideas for the park.
(Please note this is one of several consultation sessions we are running)


Ashford Gateway Plus, Church Rd, Ashford TN23 1AS.

For more information and to book

please contact Claire Adler:
Email: claireadler@btintenet.com Telephone: 07970 671965

Help build up plans for Victoria Park

Ashford Borough Council have secured initial funding to develop a £3.7m restoration and improvement project. They are looking to make the park an even better place to visit, with thanks to support from the National Lottery through the Heritage Lottery
Fund and Big Lottery Fund.

21st April 2018

9:30am – 3:30pm

Get involved

Come along and take part, we’d love to hear what you think about the park and what changes you would like to see.

Fun activities for all the family to enjoy featuring:

  • Mini sports day
  • Giant board game
  • Fantasy spending

Activities will take place by the fountain in the park.


Refuse collections

Waste and food binsAshford Borough Council’s refuse collection contractor, Biffa, will be collecting grey refuse bins this week.

Residents that have not had their refuse bin collected since the week commencing 26th of February and have a full bin are asked to bag additional waste, using refuse bags, and place it next to their grey bin so it can be collected in the upcoming week.

Please note that excess waste placed in carrier bags will not be taken.

ABC appreciates residents patience and would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Ashford Borough Council 12 March 2018

ABC Refuse bin collection update

ABC CrestAshford Borough Council have, announced that due to the severe weather, bin collections have unfortunately been disrupted this week. Residents are now advised to bring their bins in. The next refuse collections will take place on the week commencing 12 March.

Don’t forget, you can take your waste to the tip, or bag it up and put it next to your grey bin upon your next refuse collection. Food waste can also be placed in your refuse bin if your food caddy is full. Food waste will be collected with your next refuse collection.

Recycling collections will commence as normal from next week (5 March)

ABC apologises for the inconvenience caused and we would like to thank residents for their patience during these unpredictable weather conditions.