What’s the model?

We all want health and social care services that can meet our needs now and in the future.  However, health, social and public health services face new challenges that mean they need to change the way hey work to improve care and get better value for the money that is available.

Find out more about the Case for Change and the emerging Sustainability and Transformation plan that will set out the strategy for dealing with the challenges that face health, social and public health services visit:

Transforming health and social care in Kent and Medway website and

Better health and care in east Kent website


The case for change: recruitment

There are real challenges
recruiting enough GPs and practice nurses

We all want health and social care services that can meet our needs now and in the future. However, health, social and public health services face new challenges that mean they need to change the way they work to improve care and get better value for the money that is available.

To find out more about the Case for Change and the emerging Sustainability and Transformation plan that will set out the strategy for dealing with the challenges that face health, social and public health services visit:

Transforming health and social care in Kent and Medway website and

Better health and care in east Kent website


The case for change: ‘bed blocking’

Evidence shows that every day
around 1,000 people in Kent and Medway
are in a hospital bed when they no longer need to be

We all want health and social care services that can meet our needs now and in the future.  However, health, social and public health services face new challenges that mean they need to change the way they work to improve care and get better value for the money that is available.

To find out more about the Case for Change and the emerging Sustainability and Transformation plan that will set out the strategy for dealing with the challenges that face health, social and public health services visit:

Transforming health and social care in Kent and Medway website and

Better health and care in east Kent website


The case for change: emergency admissions

As many as four in 10
emergency admissions to hospital
could be avoided
if the right care was available in the community

We all want health and social care services that can meet our needs now and in the future.  However, health, social and public health services face new challenges that mean they need to change the way they work to improve care and get better value for the money that is available.

To find out more about the Case for Change and the emerging Sustainability and Transformation plan that will set out the strategy for dealing with the challenges that face health, social and public health services visit:

Transforming health and social care in Kent and Medway website and

Better health and care in east Kent website


The case for change: Mental health

1 in 4 people have
a mental health
problem at some point in their lives

We all want health and social care services that can meet our needs now and in the future.  However, health, social and public health services face new challenges that mean they need to change the way hey work to improve care and get better value for the money that is available.

To find out more about the Case for Change and the emerging Sustainability and Transformation plan that will set out the strategy for dealing with the challenges that face health, social and public health services visit:

Transforming health and social care in Kent and Medway website and

Better health and care in east Kent website


The case for change: older people

The number of people
over the age of 70 will rise
by 20% in the next 5 years

We all want health and social care services that can meet our needs now and in the future.  However, health, social and public health services face new challenges that mean they need to change the way hey work to improve care and get better value for the money that is available.

Find out more about the Case for Change and the emerging Sustainability and Transformation plan that will set out the strategy for dealing with the challenges that face health, social and public health services visit:

Transforming health and social care in Kent and Medway website and

Better health and care in east Kent website


The case for change: population

Our population is growing

About 1.8 million people live in Kent and Medway.

By 2031 this number will increase by almost a quarter, compared to 2011

We all want health and social care services that can meet our needs now and in the future.  However, health, social and public health services face new challenges that mean they need to change the way hey work to improve care and get better value for the money that is available.

Find out more about the Case for Change and the emerging Sustainability and Transformation plan that will set out the strategy for dealing with the challenges that face health, social and public health services visit:

Transforming health and social care in Kent and Medway website and

Better health and care in east Kent website


Kent and Medway Case for Change published

Leaders from the NHS in Kent and Medway, along with Kent County Council and Medway Council, have published a compelling ‘case for change’ which sets out why [Health, Social Care and Public Health] Services need to change to meet the needs of local people.

The case for change shows that every day 1,000 people (about 1 in 3 people in hospital at any one time) in Kent and Medway are stuck in hospital beds when they could get the health and social care support they need out of hospital if the right services were available. Doctors and social care leaders say this, along with eight other key challenges, are the drivers for new plans being developed that will see more care provided outside of hospitals and NHS and social care services working in a joined-up way. They are calling for local people to get involved in helping shape these plans for the future of NHS and social care services in Kent and Medway.

Today’s case for change also shows that:

  • We need to focus more on supporting people so they don’t get ill in the first place: Around 1,600 early deaths each year could have been avoided with the right early help and support for example to help people maintain a healthy weight, stop smoking and drink responsibly.
  • GPs and their teams are understaffed, with vacancies and difficulties recruiting: If staffing in Kent and Medway was in line with the national average there would be 245 more GPs and 37 more practice nurses.
  • Services and outcomes for people with long-term conditions are poor: As many as four in 10 emergency hospital admissions could be avoided if the right care was available outside hospital to help people manage conditions they live with every day and to prevent them getting worse.
  • Some services for seriously ill people in Kent and Medway find it hard to run round-the-clock, and to meet expected standards of care:
  • All stroke patients who are medically suitable should get clot-busting drugs within 60 minutes of arriving at hospital. None of the hospitals in our area currently achieve this for all patients.
  • Planned care – such as going into hospital for a hip operation or having an x-ray – is not as efficient as it could be: There is variation across Kent and Medway in how often people are referred to specialists and variation in the tests and treatments people get once they have been referred.
  • Cancer care does not always meet national standards: waiting times for diagnostic tests, to see a specialist and for treatment, are sometimes longer than national standards.
  • People with mental ill health have poor outcomes: people with a serious mental illness die on average 15 to 20 years earlier than the general population
  • Services could be run more productively: Around £190m of savings could be made if services were run as efficiently as top performing areas in England.


Health and Social Care Sustainability and Transformation Plan

nhseastkentstpEast Kent Delivery Board

Opens: 22 November 2016
Closes: 23 December 2016

The NHS, social care and public health in Kent and Medway have published their draft Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP).

It is the first time that health, social care and public health agencies in Kent have all worked together in this way and it gives them a unique opportunity to bring about positive and genuine improvement in health and social care delivery over the next five years.

Their pledge to you

The East Kent Delivery Board * have said:

We want to get this right, and we know that we need your views to help us do that.

So we will use all the means at our disposal to involve patients, carers, the public and health and care professionals, at every stage.

In the New Year, along with more detailed information about the STP, we will publish a timetable for engaging with the public in Kent and Medway in 2017. In the meantime, we ask you to help us shape our ideas and plans by filling in this survey, which closes on 23 December.

You can also join your Health Network to keep in touch with what is going on and make sure you can have your say at the appropriate time.

Please spare the time to get involved – we need to hear from as many people as possible to get this right for the whole community.

Complete our survey.

Transforming health and social care in Kent and Medway

Find out more about what we want to achieve and our ideas so far by reading Transforming health and social care in Kent and Medway. It also has details of the local clinical commissioning group websites where you can find out how you can have your say.

Transforming health and social care in Kent


Health organisations from across the whole of Kent and Medway are working together to plan how they will transform health and social care services to meet the changing needs of local people.They want to get this right, and they know that they need your views to help them do that.

In addition to the local work taking place in east Kent, NHS, social care and public health organisations from across the whole of Kent and Medway are working together to plan how they will transform health and social care services to meet the changing needs of local people. It is the first time they have all worked together in this way and it gives them a unique opportunity to bring about positive and genuine improvement in health and social care delivery over the next five years. (more…)