Ashford Designer Outlet, Kimberley Way, Ashford, Kent, TN24 0SD
Planning Application
Erection of replacement free-standing, letter-illuminated, advertising structure
Decision: Grant Consent
Worrying examples explain plotholders’ fears
It was very reasssuring to hear Julie Rogers say at the June 3rd meeting that the review does not contemplate any large rise in rents.
It has been suggested that plotholders were silly to fear a 400% increase in rents. (more…)
38 Musgrove, Ashford, Kent, TN23 7UW
35 Brookfield Road, Ashford, Kent, TN23 4ES
Festival needs your fountain of knowledge
The Create Festival will this year celebrate the 174th birthday of Mr George Harper, who donated the Hubert Fountain to Ashford. However, festival organisers are keen to know more about the man who bestowed it to the town’s people back in 1912.
Does anyone have any old photographs of him? Is anyone distantly related to him, or does anyone know someone who is?
If you have any interesting stories to tell please email: and the best responses will form part of the proceedings on 23rd July and be shared with local media.
For more information refer to the event on our Calendar
Warmer, cheaper, local Energy
I attended workshop today run by Community Energy South – Warmer, cheaper, local Energy. A workshop on how it can be done.
Very briefly, the discussion started with the Big Energy Saving Network and how trained Energy Champions are helping the elderly and vulnerable switch tariffs and get energy saving upgrades to their homes.
Anybody who has not switched energy supplier or tariff within the last two years is paying an average of 20% more than they should.
Community Council for South Ashford
South Ashford Community Forum (SACF) have submitted a proposal to Ashford Borough Council) for creation of a local council for South Ashford. The proposal, submitted in response to a consultation being undertaken by the Borough Council as part of a Community Governance Review is available from the Forum’s website:
The Borough Council will consider SACF’s proposal alongside others received, then publish their draft recommendations in August 2015 for further consultation.
It’s an emergency; who do I contact?
We have added some information on who to contact in an emergency under Local Information/Emergencies.
If you have an idea for information we might include on the site, please contact us or add your idea as a comment to this post.
Land at former Concorde House, Austin Road, Ashford, Kent – decided
Planning Application
Erection of 4 x 2 bed houses and 10 x 3 bed houses with associated parking on existing commercial site. Provision of commercial parking
Decided: Permit
Discharge of Conditions:
14/01515/CONA/AS Conditions 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 27 posted on 29 March 2017
14/01515/CONB/AS Conditions 9, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23 &; 26 posted on 06 May 2017