
Matthew Scott

Police and Crime Commissioner for Kent Police Area

Matthew Scott

My six point plan for Kent will see even more Police hired – 300 will be recruited over and above those who leave or retire. And with crime falling before the pandemic started, I will be able to deliver even more for the people of Kent.

  • Recruit another 300 Police Officers and ensure they are active in our urban and rural areas
  • Work with residents, businesses and communities to prevent and reduce crime and antisocial behaviour
  • Expand the popular Police Cadets scheme for young people and bring back teams of Schools Officers
  • Make our streets safer for all road users
  • Boost the support available for all victims of crime and abuse
  • Tackle gangs and county lines and get drugs and weapons off our streets

Delivering for Kent since 2016

Kent has more Police than ever before, thanks to my work as PCC and the Government’s programme of recruiting 20,000 more across the country. As a result, there’s nearly 700 more Police Officers in Kent now. This has been delivered because of my effective management of your money and my drive for greater efficiency.

And the good news is that these Officers are doing the jobs that you want them to do. Town centre police officers have been brought back and the rural policing unit expanded. There’s a dedicated team bringing down county lines – with the number of these drug dealing gangs down by a third in the last year. More burglars are being imprisoned thanks to a new Crime Squad. There’s even a new team of PCSOs dedicated exclusively to reducing antisocial behaviour.

My work with young people has seen substantial investment in activities such as the return of the Volunteer Police Cadet units across Kent and Medway for those aged 13 to 17.

I have set about improving the service that you receive. 101 waiting times have fallen from an average of nearly five minutes to ninety seconds, with more calls being answered. I have worked hard to improve the way that the Police and the rest of the criminal justice system supports victims of crime. Kent Police is now seen as one of the best Force’s in the country now for how it uses its resources and how it keeps people safe.

I have secured millions of pounds of extra investment into Kent for a variety of programmes, including Brexit, tackling violence, support for victims and traffic management on our motorways linked to the ports. By working with the Government, I have ensured that the burden does not fall on the council taxpayers of Kent – exactly as I promised.

Steve Campkin

Kent County Council – Ashford East Division

Steve is one of two Green Party Councillors on Ashford Borough Council, representing Willesborough, having been successfully elected in May 2019 with a large majority. Steve lives and works in Willesborough and is a well known, active member of the local community.

Since his election to Ashford Borough Council in 2019 he has opposed cuts in services, rises in council tax and unpopular, inappropriate developments, while supporting and enhancing our Green spaces and serving as a committee member on Ashford’s Carbon Neutral Strategy Group.

In 2020 he also took a place on South Willesborough and Newtown Community Council to improve his understanding of issues in the area and to better represent residents with regards to the environmental impact of climate change, the challenges we now face and the opportunities available.

He has already lobbied Kent County Council on drainage and road improvements, culminating in extensive works to mitigate flooding in Willesborough and the complete resurfacing of Kennington Road

Steve , attends regular surgeries to talk with residents about local issues alongside his colleague Green Party Councillor Liz Wright.

Steve believes that by being elected as your councillor on Kent County Council, he will be able to represent residents even more effectively, and would be honoured to have your support on May 6th

Thom Pizzey

Thom Pizzey

Ashford Borough Council – Beaver Ward

Thom, a graphic designer, is a Young Greens Co-Ordinator and a key member of Ashford Greens Campaign Team. A Stanhope resident his entire life, Thom is standing for election to Ashford Borough Council because he believes that we need loud and unapologetic voices willing to reject the status quo politics of the other parties and provide a strong opposition.

As a Borough councillor, Thom would prioritise tackling income inequality, defending local services from cuts and privatisation, and delivering affordable and social housing while preserving green spaces. Thom says: “As your Green Borough Councillor I would be a strong voice for Ashford South, opposing all cuts to our much needed local services.”

Thom has campaigned locally and nationally to end austerity and save our public services from
being cut or privatised. He believes that it is crucial that we deal with the housing crisis and create
new social and affordable homes whilst protecting Ashford’s green spaces.

Thom Pizzey

Thom Pizzey

Kent County Council – Ashford South Division

Thom, a graphic designer, is a Young Greens Co-Ordinator and a key member of Ashford Greens Campaign Team. A Stanhope resident his entire life, Thom is standing for election to Kent County Council because he believes that we need loud and unapologetic voices willing to reject the status quo politics of the other parties and provide a strong opposition.

As a County councillor, Thom would prioritise tackling income inequality, defending local services from cuts and privatisation. Thom says: “As your Green County Councillor I would be a strong voice for Ashford South, opposing all cuts to our much needed local services.”

Thom has campaigned locally and nationally to end austerity and save our public services from being cut or privatised.

Garry Harrison

Ashford Borough Council – Beaver Ward

Hi you may know me or you may not let me introduce myself I am Garry George Harrison . I have worked closely with the unions as chair of unite community Kent branch and trying to save jobs and departments in the NHS and other Industries.

I am now an Independent candidate for Beaver Ward I have been working hard in Beaver ward by reporting the road signs lights and any issues that I can as a resident.

I do a Street cleaned on a regular basis in beaver ward and like most residents I feel that we have
been let down this is why I am running as an independent I have been a councillor twice and a
school governor.

I’m a Christian and I believe to be a good Christian you have to be the better person and as a
resident I believed to be a good councillor you need to be able to listen to your residents and I
promise that I will always listen to all sides and get the best deal for the local residents and Beaver

Garry George Harrison pledges to you in the upcoming election on 06 May 2021

  1. I would like to have a 3-month big waste removal free of charge for my ward.
  2. Make sure all buildings have the right infrastructure when they build.
  3. To make sure the housing department catches up with the exchanges and housing Council
  4. Help shop keepers with waste bills.
  5. More bins and dog bins put in the right place
  6. Have a 4 weekly community clean up.
  7. Better maintained play area and more things for kids to do.
  8. More community events and more days out for the OAPs for FREE.

Garry Harrison

Kent County Council – Ashford East

Hello I am running in Ashford East again I promised you I would be back and move into Ashford which I have done now.

I am running as an Independent. I have been a councillor twice and been chair of Unite Community Kent Branch and part of other committees.

I have also been a school governor and I worked for the Royal British Legion as vice-chair and helped in the organisation and have worked in many churches and charities like the Salvation Army and local winter shelter.

I am a Christian and I believe that to be a good Christian you need to be a better person.

At the moment I am currently a carer for my wife after a car accident. In my work life I have been an ambulance driver and manager in NHS and I have also run my own business.

So I believe all my life experiences will see me through to make the best councillor for you. I live 2 minutes from the ward and I know what issues the ward is going through as I am going through it too.

My pledges to you in the upcoming election on 06 MAY 2021 Ashford East

  1. I would like to have a 3-month big waste removal free of charge for my ward .
  2. Make sure that Ashford is the next in line for electric buses.
  3. Help more Ashford businesses reduce their carbon footprint.
  4. Plant more trees so it absorbs the sound along the road and the rivers to help absorb water to
    help stop floods.
  5. Have electric buses running through our town centre free of charge for our town residents from
    the park and ride.
  6. More community events and more days out for the OAPs for FREE.
  7. Get more buses to run on an evening so people can go out and enjoy themselves in our High
    Street and clubs and restaurants.
  8. To get some Road calming measures put into place we’ll probably be pelican crossings I would
    also like to try to get some more lighting at junctions where there have been serious accidents
    recently and rumble strips to prevent people from speeding.

Dara Farrell

Election Statement by 
Labour Party Candidate for Ashford Borough Council, Victoria Ward

One point of contact for local government, Ashford & Kent County Council

Having lived in South Ashford from birth it’s been a honour to represent Victoria Ward for the last four years

Since my election to the Council, I have been dedicated to representing the views of residents at full council, its committees and community forums. While also working on behalf of local people as an advocate on issues from parking to crime and planning, I’ve been steadfast in standing up for the views of our residents and scrutinising the proposals and decisions taken by the current Conservative administration.

I’m now seeking re-election to the Council in order to continue that work, but I need your support to do so. As a local representative I’m keen to ensure the election is centred on local priorities not national issues like Brexit, or single issues like the environment. This is the opportunity, with your help to decide the future of our local council.

A Councillor on the side of residents, not the Conservative Council or their developers.

Charlotte Mbali

Election Statement by 
Liberal Democrat Party Candidate for
Ashford Borough Council, Victoria Ward

The choice for people in Victoria ward on Thursday 2nd May is between the local Lib Dem campaigner Charlotte Mbali or the Conservatives.

Many people are fed up with the Conservatives. Nationally, the Government has made a complete mess of Brexit. At County Hall, the Tory-run County
Council is charging more Council Tax for fewer services. Locally, Conservatives running Ashford Borough Council are allowing more and more development without adequate infrastructure.

Charlotte Mbali said, “I am delighted to be the Lib Dem candidate in Victoria. I am passionate about our area and I would be privileged to serve the community as a Councillor. Now more than ever Victoria needs a strong voice on the Council and someone who will get things done for local people

The Lib Dem plan for Ashford

  1. The Council has already taken up my proposal to run a garden competition this year: Ashford-in-bloom, which will please those in the ward with nice front gardens and baskets (and my married name MBALI means a flower in Zulu !)
  2. Lib Dems promote practial policies to combat climate change by a mix of public money and individual responsibility. Householders are urged to take up the KCC grants to better insulate  their houses, thus lowering their energy bills and planet-warming gases
  3. Influx of new residents into new builds sometimes overwhelms services such as schools, GP surgeries and A. and E at the hospital. Lib Dems would ensure that the levy on developers is spent locally on the wards most affected rather than borough wide, as now under the Conservatives
  4. People of Ashford need to be equipped for the job changes that will come with more AI,   and digitalized creative industries. More adults should be able to access Makerspaces (funded by the Council) to learn coding, or film editing or music mixing.
  5. For older people, Lib Dems argue for increased public moey for better integration of the nhs and local care system. I would add that transport needs to be added to the joined-up planning, whether this is hospital parking, buses to clinics like Eureka, or ambulance times to proposed new A and E locations.
  6. Ashford needs more female councillors (currently there are 9 woman councillors to 35 men). As a mature female candidate, I can offer lots of dedicated time ( I’m retired) and experience in diverse civic intitiatves (both in UK and S. Africa). My working career in adult teaching and in Universities gives me the skills to digest texts quickly and voice proposals confidently. Long ago, KCC paid a grant for my Oxford degree: I’d now like to give something back to my home county and Victoria Ward where I live.

Maria Pizzey

Election Statement by 
Green Party Candidate for Ashford Borough Council, Beaver Ward

– has been a resident of South Ashford for 30 years and a teaching assistant at a local primary school since 1999 and is currently working on a Union secondment.

Maria has been a political activist for many years, both locally and nationally. She is also involved with the People’s Assembly Against Austerity, 38 Degrees and Save Our NHS.

Maria believes in standing up for local residents,  and if elected, would fight for affordable homes, secure tenancies and fair wages.  She believes that now more than ever we need Green voices on our local council, who have a fresh approach to politics, more deeply rooted in local communities, who put people not profit first.

Jonathan Small

Election Statement by 
Green Party Candidate for Ashford Borough Council, Victoria Ward

– has just completed a degree in Marketing and currently works at the Designer Outlet.

He has worked on many charitable fundraising campaigns, volunteers at a local Animal Rescue Sanctuary when time permits and has campaigned on many issues such as the NHS and Arms Manufacturing. 

Jonni lives in South Ashford and wants to be able to represent his community.  He believes that the local council should be for the local people and that we should have more say in the way that things are done, and he believes that the Green Party approach is a fresh approach that is closer to the communities that councillors serve. 

If elected, he will fight to improve public spaces, increase access to social housing and to provide more walking, cycling and public transport opportunities.