
Talk about abuse – thank you and next steps

Citizens Advice logoGillian Guy, Chief Executive of Citizens Advice, has today blogged about the end of the 16 Days of Action that has formed part of their Talk about abuse campaign.

She writes that the campaign has been “a really important opportunity to encourage people to Talk about abuse” and says “the most important part of this past fortnight or so has been the powerful, brave and moving stories told by victims themselves,”

“We know that specialist domestic abuse charities play a crucial role supporting victims of abuse, but we know also that most people going through abuse will not turn first to specialists, the police or other agencies, but to their friends and families. Helping these ‘bystanders’ to support victims is a crucial element in tackling domestic abuse.” (more…)

Talk about abuse

If you are affected by domestic abuse there are specialists who can help you.

Ashford Domestic Abuse One Stop Shops offer free advice, information and support from a range of agencies under one roof to help victims of domestic abuse. Domestic abuse can affect anyone and therefore, if you are a man or a woman and would like to discuss your issues, you are welcome to attend. No appointment is required just turn up.
The Willow Centre, Brookfield Road, Ashford, Kent TN23 4EY
Telephone: 07598 74504
Opening times: Every Tuesday morning 9.30am – 12.30pm

Please support the Talk about abuse campaign

Please support Citizens Advice’s Talk about abuse campaign.

Last year one in every 15 women, and one in every 33 men experienced domestic abuse at the hands of their partner or former partner. A quarter of women and just over a tenth of men have experienced this kind of abuse at some point in their adult lives.

Domestic abuse wrecks lives, harms children and creates huge social costs that fall on councils, local health services, the police and the wider community. (more…)

Coercive control law a “welcome step”

Citizens Advice logoCitizens Advice has said today that victims of domestic abuse should feel the law is on their side and has highlighted the importance of people being able to recognise abuse. The national charity has welcomed the coercive control offence that will come into effect later this month, as well as new efforts being made by the Government to tackle domestic abuse. (more…)

Tell Citizens Advice how your best friend has supported you

Post the best piece of advice your friend has given you underneath Citizens Advice ‘Talk about abuse’ film on YouTube which focuses on the role of friends in helping victims of domestic abuse. We’ll share the most powerful in our next campaigns newsletter. Alternatively you can email your friend’s advice to


Talk about abuse

If you are affected by domestic abuse, or you think a friend or family member may be, there are specialists who can help you.

Ashford Domestic Abuse One Stop Shop offers free advice, information and support from a range of agencies under one roof to help victims of domestic abuse. Domestic abuse can affect anyone and therefore, if you are a man or a woman and would like to discuss your issues, you are welcome to attend. No appointment is required just turn up.
The Willow Centre, Brookfield Road, Ashford, Kent TN23 4EY
Telephone: 07598 74504
Opening times: Every Tuesday morning 9.30am – 12.30pm

Domestic Abuse Support in Kent website, a new resource covering Kent and Medway providing advice and information on services for victims, friends & family, and perpetrators of Domestic Abuse.

Citizens Advice online advice on domestic abuse, where you’ll find lots of organisations that can help.

If you think a friend or family member may be experiencing domestic abuse, see Citizens Advice’ guidance on how you can talk to them about it and direct them to places where they can get further help.
