
Community Council for South Ashford

South Ashford Community Forum (SACF) have submitted a proposal to Ashford Borough Council) for creation of a local council for South Ashford. The proposal, submitted in response to a consultation being undertaken by the Borough Council as part of a Community Governance Review is available from the Forum’s website:

The Borough Council will consider SACF’s proposal alongside others received, then publish their draft recommendations in August 2015 for further consultation.

Land at former Concorde House, Austin Road, Ashford, Kent – decided

Planning Application


Erection of 4 x 2 bed houses and 10 x 3 bed houses with associated parking on existing commercial site. Provision of commercial parking

Decided: Permit

Discharge of Conditions:

14/01515/CONA/AS Conditions 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 27 posted on 29 March 2017

14/01515/CONB/AS Conditions 9, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23 &; 26 posted on 06 May 2017

Dementia Awareness Week

Do you suffer from Dementia, have a friend or relative that suffers from dementia, support somebody who suffers from dementia? There is a wide range of support for dementia sufferers and their carers. The agencies that provide support are working together more than ever to provide a holistic approach to dementia care.

Are you able to give your time to help those with dementia? Schemes such as Alzheimer Society’s Dementia Friends and Carers’ Support’s Dementia Visitors Scheme provide training for those providing help and support for those with dementia. (more…)

An open letter to the people of east Kent from CCG chairs

Over the last couple of weeks, our local papers have carried worrying headlines about the possibility of the east Kent hospitals trust changing emergency care and, perhaps, centralising the most high-risk procedures in one centre.

We chair the clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) for east Kent which have the job of planning and paying for most local health services. Our aim is to make sure that everyone in our areas who needs healthcare receives safe, high-quality care. (more…)

The Big Bike Revival

The Big Bike Revival is two fun weeks of family-friendly events taking place at bike recycling centres across the country from 23rd May – 7th June 2015. It’s all designed to help you get that unloved bike back into use, learn how to look after it for yourself and rediscover how much fun cycling can be.

By attending an event near you, you’ll be able to pick up practical maintenance tips, trade your bike in for another more suited to you, or even donate a bike you no longer need so it can go to a new home.

Events include entertainment, refreshments and lots of exciting activities, so The Big Bike Revival is a great way to keep the whole family entertained during the school holidays.

Why not find out when your nearest bike recycling centre is running events?

Events in South Ashford have been added to our Calendar