
Events to explore potential options for health services change in east Kent

The NHS is holding eight public events to discuss potential options for changing hospital and local care services in east Kent.

At these events, between 30 October and 20 November, doctors and other NHS leaders will discuss with local people:

  • the benefits change could bring
  • how services outside hospitals are developing to maximise the care people get locally
  • how the two options for hospital services might affect people across east Kent
  • the next steps towards public consultation.

Caroline Selkirk, Managing Director of the four NHS clinical commissioning groups in east Kent*, said: “This is the next step in conversations we’ve been having with staff, patients and the public over recent years about why change is needed to health and care services in east Kent and how services could be improved.

“We have done a great deal to respond to what people in east Kent have told us they need, such as access to more appointments with GPs and nurses, including in the evening and at weekends; joining up care for people with the most complex conditions; and starting to hold more outpatient clinics in local communities.

“We have also been looking in depth at two potential options to improve hospital services in east Kent.

“These informal meetings with local communities, ahead of any formal public consultation next year, are a chance for local people and organisations representing patients to hear more about our work so far, and to help us understand the potential impact of the options we are currently looking at. We want to continue to gather a range of insights on the latest phase of our work.  What people tell us will be considered by the joint committee of east Kent clinical commissioning groups, before it decides whether both potential options for changes to hospital services go forward to public consultation.”

If you cannot make it to the events, there will be more information about the proposals added to shortly and an online survey will be open from mid-October.

You can register for one of the events online at Alternatively, you can email or call 01622 211940 to reserve a place.

Date & time Venue
Wednesday 31 October

9.30am registration
9.45am – 12.45pm

Club Room, Elwick Club, Church Road, Ashford TN23 1RD
Thursday 15 November

6.15pm registration
6.30pm – 9.30pm

Holiday Inn (Ashford Central), Canterbury Road, Kennington, Ashford TN24 8QQ


NHS Ashford Clinical Commissioning Group  04 October 2018

Extra appointments at GP practices

Ashford Clinical Commissioning GroupFrom 1 October, extra evening, weekend and bank holiday appointments are available in east Kent to help patients get the care they need, when they need it.

This is part of a national drive to improve access to GP practice services and give people the opportunity to have an appointment at a time that suits them.

The extra appointments, which may be provided by a GP, nurse, physiotherapist, paramedic practitioner or other health professional, are for routine, non-urgent care. The extra slots are available between 6.30pm and 8pm each weekday.  There are also appointments on Saturdays, Sundays and bank holidays.

They will not necessarily be at patients’ usual GP practice, but the health professionals treating them will be able to see their full medical records, with their consent.  Patients who need an appointment will be allocated the most suitable clinician for their need.

Dr Navin Kumta, chair of NHS Ashford Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), said:  “We know that people sometimes have to wait to see a nurse or doctor and we believe the new longer hours will be of particular help to commuters, parents with young families, and other people who find it difficult to get to their practice during normal working hours.

“Anyone wanting to make an appointment should contact their GP practice in the first instance.  Trained reception staff will know where and when appointments are available, and with which healthcare professional, and will be able to book the patient in. Patients should advise the receptionist if they particularly want an evening or weekend appointment.

“These extra appointments will be available for pre-booked care.  It’s important to remember that anyone who needs medical assistance when their practice is closed should continue to dial NHS 111.”

To make sure that the new appointments system works well for patients, the CCG would like to encourage people to tell us about their experiences of them. Anyone with comments or queries can email the patient experience

NHS Ashford Clinical Commissioning Group  02 October 2018

What to do with metal

Ashford Borough Council collects metal cans and packaging in your green recycling bin.


  • Give your tins, cans and foil wrappers a quick rinse to remove any remnants of food
  • Squash or compress items to make more room in your bin
  • Where possible, please remove the labels on tins and cans and place them in your green bin
  • Fully remove the sharp lid from ring-pull cans and place them back in the empty can


Yes please No thanks
Aerosols Metalised plastic film
Drinks cans Paint cans
Aluminium and steel food tins
Sweet and biscuit tins
Metal lids from glass jars
Aluminium foil
Foil trays

Other metal items are accepted at the Household Waste Recycling Centre at Cobbs Wood

Do the scrunch test!

An easy way to tell if an item is made from foil or metalised plastic film is to do the scrunch test. Scrunch the item in your hand – if it remains scrunched, it means the item is made from foil which can be recycled. If it springs open, it is likely to be metalised plastic film which cannot be recycled.

Recycle Now

Ashford Borough Council

Chart Road unlikely to affect Chart Road

Work being carried out by South East water is unlikely to affect traffic on the A28, Chart Road.Details were exhibited today at Godinton Village Hall of work proposed to reinforce the water supply in preparation for the construction of 5000 homes at Chilmington Green. Whilst works may cause disruption on Godinton and Repton Park, the 200m of pipe to be laid along Chart Road will be laid in the verge avoiding any need for disruption to traffic.

Work will also be carried out on Ashford Road and Magpie Hall Road in Kingsnorth.

Proposed works in KingsnorthProposed works in Godinton and Repton

What to do with paper and card

Ashford Borough Council collects paper and card in your green recycling bin.

Large cardboard boxes can be flattened and left beside your green bin.


  • Paper is a valuable recyclable material but only when it is clean.
  • Remove any plastic wrapping from newspapers and magazines – this can be recycled with plastic bags at larger supermarkets.
  • If you scrunch paper and it doesn’t spring back, then it can be recycled.

Cardboard recycling tips

  • Tape, polystyrene and plastic inserts need be removed from cardboard packaging.
  • Glitter, badges and batteries should also be torn off greeting cards.
  • Egg boxes and rolls from kitchen towel and toilet rolls can be home composted.
Yes please No thanks
Newspapers and supplements Paper that is stained with foodstuffs, grease, paint or dirt (e.g. greaseproof or baking paper, kids paintings)
Magazines, brochures and catalogues Hygiene/sanitary products (e.g. nappies, wipes, sanitary towels)
White paper (e.g. computer paper, letters) Used paper towels
Shredded paper Tissues
Telephone directories Cotton wool and make up pads
Junk mail and flyers Wet wipes
Envelopes (including those with a window) Sticky papers (e.g. Post-it notes, sticky labels or paper tape)
Non-paper gift wrap or bags (e.g. foil-based gift wrapping)
Crisp or sweet packets or wrappers
Wallpaper and decoration paper
Cardboard boxes (e.g. cereal & dishwasher tablet boxes) Card that contains foodstuffs, dirt or paint
Corrugated cardboard Glitter covered greetings cards
Online delivery boxes and cardboard envelopes Food and drink cartons
Greetings cards without glitter
Egg boxes
Brown paper


Recycle Now

Ashford Borough Council

What glass can I recycle at home?

Help make a difference this Recycle Week. If you don’t already recycle, now’s the time to start.

Glass bottles and jars are widely recycled. Ashford Borough Council collects glass for recycling.



Yes please No thanks
Bottles of any colour, e.g. wine, beer, spirits Glass cookware, e.g. Pyrex, microwave plates
Jars, e.g. sauces, jam, baby food Drinking glasses
Non-food bottles, e.g. perfume, aftershave, face creams Ceramics, e.g. crockery, earthenware
Nail varnish bottles
Light bulbs and tubes


Some types of glass do not melt at the same temperature as bottles and jars. If they enter the glass recycling process it can result in new containers being rejected. These items should be recycled separately – check with your local household waste recycling centre.


  • Put lids and caps back on. This reduces the chance of them getting lost during the sorting process as they can be recycled separately.
  • Empty and rinse – a quick rinse will do. Leftover liquid can contaminate other recyclables which may mean they aren’t recycled.
  • At bottle banks, blue glass goes in with green glass.
  • Corks should be removed from bottles before they are recycled but can be home composted.


Recycle Now

Ashford Borough Council

What to do with Plastic Bottles

Help make a difference this Recycle Week. If you don’t already recycle, now’s the time to start.

Some people are confused about which plastics they can recycle:


The following types of plastic bottles can be put in your Green Recycling Bin

Yes please No thanks
All clear and coloured plastic bottles from around the home Plastic bottles containing chemicals (e.g. anti-freeze)
Detergent and soap bottles (minus the pump)
Cleaning product bottles (e.g. bathroom cleaners, bleach) (Triggers can be left on)
Skin care product bottles
Shampoo and shower gel bottles
Fizzy and non-fizzy drinks and water bottles
Milk bottles
Ready-to-use plant food and pesticides bottles (check the label)


  • Replace lids and tops. If they stay on the container they will get recycled.
  • Squash bottles to save space.
  • Empty and rinse bottles. Left over foods or liquids can contaminate other recyclables and if bottles contain liquid they may not be recycled as deemed too heavy by the automated sorting process. Liquid can also damage the machinery.
  • Leave on labels – these will be removed in the process.


It is estimated that an average of 35.8 million plastic bottles are used EVERY DAY in the UK, but only 19.8 million are recycled each day. This means there are on average 16 million plastic bottles a day not making their way into the recycling bin.


Tips for recycling plastic bottles

  • Triggers can be left on when recycling cleaning product bottles such as bathroom cleaners.
  • But soap bottles pumps need to be removed and disposed of in the rubbish bin.

Other Plastics packaging

The following plastics packaging can also be put in your Green Recycling Bin

Yes please No thanks
Food pots and tubs Carrier bags/plastic sacks whether empty or containing recyclable waste
Margarine tubs Dark plastic food trays (from microwave meals for example)
Margarine tubs Plastic film, metalised film or packaging made of plastic film, , such as crisp packets
Yoghurt pots


Recycle Now

Ashford Borough Council

A28 Water work information event

As part of an ongoing programme to improve the water supply network South East Water are planning to install a number of new water mains across Ashford.

The £1.3 million project will involve the installation of new equipment and water pipes, which will help us to increase the amount of water they can pump through their extensive network of underground pipes and better control the flow of water.

It will also ensure they can continue to maintain water pressure to the area as the Chilmington Green development is built.

South East Water are still shaping our plans, but work will take place in the following roads; A28 Chart Road, Chilmington Green Road, Evergreen Way, Loudon Way, Sir John Fogge Avenue and Sweet Bay Crescent.

Work is due to start in October and last for 10 months.

Drop in information session

Sout Eat Water’s project team will be holding a drop-in session for local businesses and residents to find out more about the scheme and answer any concerns you may have.

This will take place between 5pm and 7pm at Godinton Village Hall, Loudon Way, Ashford, TN23 3JJ on Thursday 27 September.

Road Closures

To keep motorists, pedestrians and their staff safe, a mixture of road closures and temporary traffic lights will be used throughout the works, and will be agreed with Kent Highways before work starts.

If you have any concerns during working hours then their contractor, Clancy Docwra, will happily answer any questions on site. If you would like to speak to South East Water direct please call our Customer Technical Centre on 0333 000 1100.

South East Water


Recycle Week Competition

It’s Recycle Week

Take part in the Recycle Now competition

‘Spot the swoosh’ on bins, signs, posters and packaging. Wherever you see it, we want you to snap it and share it.

Tweet your pictures using #spottheswoosh by 13:00 on Friday 28 September to be entered into a competition to win prizes from Recycle Now’s partners including John Lewis and Quorn.