
Appeal against Hampden Road refusal

ABC CrestAn appeal has been lodged against the Ashford Borough Council’s decision not to allow the building of a new house in Hampden Road. The applicant claims that the latest design addressed previous comments made by planning officers.

The application, decision and appeal can be viewed on the Council’s website, Case Reference 16/00257/AS ➚

We will amend the post on the Planning Notices page to reflect any decision on the appeal

HMO Declared unlawful

ABC CrestAshford Borough Council have declared the use of a property in Beaver Road as a Large House in Multiple Occupation as unlawful. The reason that the Council gives for its decision is: “The evidence submitted in the application does not establish that, on the balance of probabilities, the building has been used as a large HMO for up to 7 people continuously since 2006.”  (more…)

Scams – the art of being a good listener

I'm glad I listened to my gut feelingMost consumers know  deep down what separates a competitive deal from a far-fetched one, the genuine from the nuisance or hostile.

Unfortunately it’s part of the scammer’s job to override this protective field of scepticism. Their aim is to lure, panic, bully, shame consumers into impulsive acts. Students of this area of applied psychology call it social engineering.

Social engineering causes us to hand over personal or financial information, or spend tens, hundreds even thousands of pounds seeking jobs, homes, holidays and investments that never materialise.

Asking the questions

This is why Scams Awareness Month 2016 is all about getting consumers to listen to their instincts when it comes to scams.

In listening mode we start asking questions: why me? why now? who is this really? what if? It could mean just saying no. Or it might mean taking the time to get advice from the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline (03454 040506), doing a bit of research or reporting known scams to Action Fraud (0300 123 2040). (more…)

KCC Waste Disposal Strategy Consultation

Kent County CouncilKent County Council (KCC) is consulting on its draft Waste Disposal Strategy 2017-35 ➚, which sets out their current position, identifies the future pressures and presents the Ambition and Priorities for the household waste disposal service.

They are keen to know what you think about the overarching ambition of the Strategy, the key priorities involved and the specific objectives they have set out.  KCC welcome any comments or concerns that will help us improve the Strategy before KCC moves forward to implementation, supported by further public consultation in 2017.

It is recommended that the draft Strategy is read in conjunction with the detailed evidence base ➚. (more…)

Calling Kent Retailers

loveashford_bannerAshford Borough Council is working in conjunction with ibd Business Advice Group LTD to offer local independent businesses across East Kent the chance to take part in a free business mentoring programme.

The mentoring programme will be launched in July and will offer independent retailers a unique chance to enhance and improve their business. Businesses are invited to attend a group workshop before having their own 1 to 1 tailored business session with mentors from ibd Group.

The workshops will cover all aspects of businesses management, from looking at businesses planning to marketing strategies. Mentors will provide specific support for independent retailers by helping them to understand the importance of using the right technology, online content and social media within their business. Retailers will also develop a business model, as well as enhancing their marketing strategy and branding.

More than 30 independent stores across Ashford, Tenterden, Dover, Shepway and Canterbury have already signed up to the free businesses masterclass.

Sally Pepper from ibd Group said:

“We are retail advisers each with over 20 years’ experience. We’ve owned and run our own businesses and have extensive knowledge from working in independents, high street multiples and international giants.“We are passionate about the regeneration of the high street and bring our experience, knowledge and support to independent retailers. We firmly believe they have a big role to play in whatever form our high streets take in the future.”Retailers can register their interest by emailing

– See more at:

Ashford Borough Council 11 July 2016

East Kent Councils consider closer working

ABC CrestEast Kent leaders have been taking part in a series of discussions about options for closer collaboration between the five East Kent district councils of Ashford, Canterbury, Dover, Shepway and Thanet.

This work is in response to the Government’s devolution agenda, financial challenges facing local government and the opportunity to drive improvements and growth in the East Kent region.

These discussions are in the very early stages and have led to a consensus to explore the potential benefits and savings that could be achieved through the merger of the five East Kent district councils, into a single district authority. It would also seek to explore the best place for services across the three tiers of local government (county, district and town & parishes) to ensure the most accessible and efficient services for the public.

In the coming weeks, each Council will consider a short paper seeking agreement to carry out a thorough evaluation of this opportunity. At this stage the reports are not seeking formal approval to go ahead with a merger but are seeking approval for a ‘statement of intent’ which then allows the councils to start exploring the options, through a business case evaluation.

The options will then be brought back to each Council around the end of the year for formal consideration and should the business case show that there are significant advantages, there will of course be consultation before a final decision is taken.

Ashford Borough Council, 7th July 2016–1401/ ➚

How to spot scams and tackle nuisance calls

How to spot scams and tackle the blight of nuisance calls

I'm glad I listened to my gut feelingThe constant blight of nuisance calls is becoming more and more prevalent with many consumers being plagued by what seems like a daily tirade. Ofcom reports that consumers receive a staggering 4.8 billion nuisance calls every year with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) receiving an average of 14,000 complaints every month.

For some, nuisance calls are an irritant but for others the persistent ringing of the telephone can cause anxiety and distress.  Abandoned and silent calls in particular can often seem  sinister leaving the individual terrified to answer the telephone.

Scam Calls

In amongst this bombardment are scams; people cold called to be told they have a virus on their computer which can be fixed for a fee. Or investment scams which cost consumers an average £20,000  or pension scams promising reviews or early access to funds before the age of 55. Other scams draw on the increased focus on nuisance calls offering call blockers which are simply not fit for purpose or offering to renew the recipient’s access to the Telephone Preference Service (TPS) for a fee when the service is, in fact, free  The latter is used for the purposes of a practice called ‘vishing’ where the caller attempts to extract personal or financial information from the victim.

Week one of Scams Awareness Month provides an opportunity to highlight the range of methods scammers use to elicit money from their victims. It is the opportune time to start the conversation with family, friends and neighbours about the lengths scammers will go to in order to con you and encourages consumers to take time to make a decision when contacted out of the blue.

Call blocking

However, there are a few measures that consumers can take to help make it more difficult for the scammers to get through to them in the first place.  Options available include registering for the TPS by visiting and clicking ‘register’ or alternatively calling 0845 070 0707; and of course there are some excellent call blocking units available from trueCall, BT and CPR, each with different options to suit your needs.

If you do receive an unsolicited call and you are unsure of what to do the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline will provide advice and support and can be contacted on 03454 04 05 06.  With the likes of computer virus scams where the caller purports to be from Talk Talk or BT, tell them you will call them back, put the phone down and wait before dialling out again.  Using the telephone numbers which appear on your bill will quickly allow you to identify if it was a genuine call or not.

Businesses are not exempt from scam calls either, which is why the Thursday of telephone scams week considers advertising scams which specifically target business.  For those businesses bombarded with calls, the Corporate TPS is available.  To find out more, visit

Most importantly, don’t ever suffer in silence.  If you think you are the victim of a scam,
contact the Consumer Helpline (03454 04 05 06), report it and make sure to alert your friends and family.

Laura Jamieson, Policy Improvement Manager of COSLA, 4 July 2016
Citizens Advice website ➚

Planning Applications for Former Travis sites

travisTwo planning applications have been submitted for the former Travis Perkins’ sites in Victoria Crescent. If permitted this development will infill the remaining undeveloped sites between U+I’s proposed ‘Victoria Way’ development and existing businesses and houses in Victoria Crescent.

Case No. 16/00981/AS is the application for the island site that was the Travis external storage yard our notice is and Case No. 16/00986/AS, the riverside site that was the Travis warehouse.

South Ashford Community Forum have submitted comments on these applications. Read the comments on the Publications page.

Beaver Ward Councillor retires

Ashford Beaver WardJill Britcher, Borough Councillor for Beaver Ward has announced her resignation.

Following surgery earlier this year Jill and her husband have decided that they should move to a smaller house and garden they can manage better. They are moving out of Ashford to be near family.

Jill does not believe it is right for a councillor to live out of borough and so not be in touch with local issues and worries.

The returning officer for Ashford has announced the election for a new councillor, if contested, for Thursday 4th August. Nominations for candidates are open until 4 pm on Friday 8th July ➚