
Deaf Awareness Week: Sport

A1263_DAW2016ShanePrendergast“I became profoundly deaf at 21. Some people think it’s dangerous for me to cycle, but what I lack in hearing I more than make up with awareness of my surroundings.

“This year I’m tackling a 3,200 mile ride across the USA. Deafness is not a barrier to life – it doesn’t stop people embracing their passions.”

Shane Prendergast, cyclist


NHS in east Kent to combine 111 and out of hours care

Ashford Clinical Commissioning Group


People in east Kent will benefit from a new integrated NHS 111 and GP-led out of hours service which also offers innovative support for patients with complex needs.

The new service combines 111, the NHS non-emergency number, with the out of hours service, providing care for patients who need to see a GP urgently when their practice is closed overnight or at the weekend.

This will be further enhanced with a care navigation service which will help patients with more complex needs remain at home where possible.

Care navigation involves healthcare professionals looking at the holistic health and wellbeing needs of a patient. They can make referrals to a number of different services for each patient, depending on their needs, such as to a district nurse to dress wounds and to an occupational therapist to carry out an equipment assessment. (more…)

KCC supporting National Walking Month

Kent County CouncilMay is National Walking Month and Kent County Council is joining forces to get people pounding the pavements.

Joining up with Living Streets, a charity that promotes walking, the #Try20 campaign aims to get as many people out and about throughout May.

From May 7-14, Explore Kent, in partnership with Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust Health Improvement team, will be promoting Kent Walking Week.

On Saturday, May 7 there will be a walk in Margate starting at the Yamas Cafe at the top of Margate High Street.

Health Walks are held right across the county in Ashford, Canterbury, Faversham, Sittingbourne, Sheppey, Dover, Deal, Folkestone, Hythe, Margate, Ramsgate, Broadstairs, New Romney, Tenterden, Whitstable, Sandwich and some villages. (more…)

Help to shape Ashford homelessness strategy

ABC CrestHomelessness can happen to anyone. Being made homeless or at risk of homelessness can have a detrimental impact on family stability, health and wellbeing, relationships, the development of young children, educational attainment and keeping or accessing employment.

Ashford Borough Council manages homelessness as well as any district or borough in the county and has had very a favourable recent audit of it procedures and processes.

It has put in place a range of proactive measures. (more…)

Deafness at work

Deafness at work“Being deaf doesn’t stop me from communicating effectively with colleagues and members of the public who I meet through my work.

“With a grant-funded British Sign Language interpreter, I can participate fully in meetings, take phone calls, give presentations and interact fully with those around me. My career is on the up!”

Andrew Taylor, Information Officer


Top tips on how to be Deaf Aware

  • Top deaf awareness tipsMake sure you have the attention of the person before you start speaking
  • Places with good lighting and little or no background noise are best for conversations
  • Use plain language, normal lip movements and facial expressions
  • Check whether the person understands what you are saying and, if not, try saying it in a different way.
  • Keep your voice down as it’s uncomfortable for hearing aid user if you shout.
  • Learn basic finger spelling or some basic British Sign Language (BSL)

Janine Roebuck’s story

Despite being profoundly deaf, I’ve had a successful 30-year career as a soloistWhen I was 18 I found out that I had a hereditary, progressive hearing loss. I was told that I would never be able to fulfill my dreams of becoming an opera singer, but I refused to accept this ‘deaf’ sentence.

“Despite being profoundly deaf, I’ve had a successful 30-year career as a soloist – captivating audiences, receiving standing ovations and winning prestigious awards.”

Deaf Awareness Week 2016

I Definitely CanThis year Action on Hearing Loss is tearing up society’s assumptions about people who are deaf or have hearing loss.

They are turning the spotlight on the incredible things they CAN do. With your help, and busting the myths and accentuating the positive during daily discussions.

Tell them your story

They are determined to realise a society that is truly deaf aware. Communicating people’s stories is helping us get there.

That’s why they would love you to tell them – and the wider world – about your personal experience of deafness or hearing loss, whether it’s yours or that of a friend or relative.

If you would like to help raise awareness through sharing your experiences, please tell them your story

Action on Hearing Loss

Chatter Matters

KAEFamilyWould you like to:

  • Encourage your young child to express themselves?
  • Understand how children learn to talk, read and write?
  • Get new play, story, song and reading ideas?
  • Build your confidence and make new friends?

This course is for you!

Venue: The Willow Centre. Brookfield Road. Ashford, Kent. TN23 4EY
Date: 6th May – 24th June (term lime only)
Time: 9.30am· 12.00pm (more…)