Ashford Borough Council

Report waste crime anonymously

Did you know that you can report waste crime anonymously? Waste crime blights communities and causes pollution. People who carry out waste crime, such as running illegal landfills, threaten legitimate waste businesses. If you are aware of, or have suspicions about, illegal activity, please report it today.

Fly-tipping is the illegal dumping of waste. You can report fly-tipping to the local council: Telephone 01233 331111 or online via

You can report major incidents of the dumping of waste to the Environment Agency incident hotline, eg lorries dumping waste: Environment Agency incident hotline Telephone: 0800 80 70 60

To report anonymously call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or report it online:

Delay to waste collections

Update published by Ashford Borough Council on 2nd July 2015

As you are aware the continuation of operation stack has impacted on traffic congestion in and around Ashford with severe delays being experienced. Despite this our waste collection contactor, Biffa, has been able to maintain collections on the due day of collection with some minor delays due to the traffic congestion. Unfortunately the longer the current situation continues there is the possibility that collections may be disrupted. (more…)

Oak Tree Road/Little Knoll

Update from ABC website issued 16.00 19th Jun:

Work has continued on site all day to make the structure safe in Oak Tree Road.

Following an assessment by building surveyors from the Ashford Borough Council’s building control team on Wednesday, most of the first floor was found to be unstable and all of the properties have suffered fire and/or water damage. As a priority, removal of the dangerous parts of the structure began yesterday morning and good progress has been made with the controlled removal of those parts. It is anticipated that the structural work will be completed today but work to clear the surrounding rubble and debris will continue into tomorrow (Saturday 20 June 2015). (more…)

Oak Tree Road/Little Knoll

Ashford Borough Council (ABC) officers remain on site alongside representatives from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) following Monday’s incident. Yesterday the emergency services handed the site over to the HSE and they are continuing their investigation.

When this is complete they will then hand the site over to ABCl, which we hope will be by tomorrow morning. Due to the significant structural, fire and water damage the site remains a dangerous location and will continue to be cordoned off to the public. (more…)