Quit for your family
Your family mean the world to you, and it will mean the world to them when you quit. Read the facts about secondhand smoke, smoking in pregnancy and other ways your smoking affects your family.
Protect your family from secondhand smoke
More than 80% of secondhand smoke is invisible and odourless, so no matter how careful you think you’re being, your family still breathes in harmful poisons, putting them at risk of meningitis, cancer, bronchitis and pneumonia.
It’s not just about the physical effects smoking has on your family
Nearly three quarters of children worry that their mum or dad will die because they smoke. Not only that, but if you smoke, your children are three times more likely to smoke when they grow up. By quitting, your children will be less likely to take up smoking.
- Children exposed to a smoky atmosphere are more likely to suffer from breathing problems, allergies and chest infections. By not smoking, you protect the health of those close to you.
Read more at www.nhs.uk/smokefree/why-quit/secondhand-smoke