Kent County Council want to make sure that everyone in Kent is able to make the switch to an electric vehicle (EV).
If you can’t charge up where you live or work, you should be confident that you can access reliable, affordable public charge points within walking distance of your home.
KCC are working closely with many District, Borough, Town and Parish Councils and have already installed around 200 public charge points, mainly in car parks to offer a more cost effective alternative to the rapid charge point options. However, there is still lots of work to do considering that by 2030, 80% of new cars sold in Great Britain will be zero emission, increasing to 100% in 2035.
What are the next steps?
The great news is that KCC have now been awarded vital Government funding for Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (LEVI) to significantly increase the amount of public charge points in Kent.
Over the coming years, they will help to provide thousands of public on-street charge points for residents who don’t have off-street parking, allowing them to plug in locally.
They will be appointing a charge point operator over the coming months who will run and manage the network.
Charge point locations – KCC need your help!
They are currently identifying potential locations for on-street charging points and welcome your thoughts, especially if you own an EV or are thinking about making the switch.
You can nominate your street for a public charge point using the interactive map below.
If your street has already been nominated don’t let it put you off as it is useful for KCC to know where interest is high. They cannot guarantee that every suggested street will be suitable for a charge point, but will investigate every suggestion made.
A public consultation on the proposed development of a new headquarters in Ashford for bicycle manufacturer Brompton
Quinn Estates have organised a public exhibition to give local residents and stakeholders an opportunity to see and discuss ther proposals. The aim is to understand the views and ideas of the stakeholders so that the scheme can reflect them.
The event will be held on:
at 4pm – 7pm
on Tuesday 29th March
at United Church Ashford Cade Road Ashford TN23 6JE
The proposed site of the development is the South Willesborough Dykes to the east of the A2042, Romney Marsh Road.
The developer’s Appeal against Ashford Borough Council’s decision to refuse permission for the “East Stour Park” development has been dismissed by the planning inspector.
Council Decision
Ashford Borough Council’s Planning Committee resolved to refuse the application to build on the Land at junction of Romney Marsh Road and north of, Norman Road, a site on Ashford’s Green Corridor, contrary to the planning officer’s recommendation, in February 2020.
The reason given or refusal was:
“The proposal would be contrary to Policies SP1 and ENV2 of the Ashford Local Plan (ALP) 2030, the Green Corridor Action Plan 2017 supporting the ALP and policies in the NPPF and would be harmful to interests of acknowledged planning importance for the following reasons;
the application site is located within the designated Ashford Green Corridor and the proposed residential development is not compatible with, or ancillary to, the principal role and current use of the application site and would be harmful to the existing visual function of this part of the Green Corridor through the loss of an important undeveloped open space ‘buffer’ located between the existing built-up area to the west and the A2042 located to the east,
as a consequence of (a) above, the proposal would result in a detrimental change to the landscape character and visual amenity of this part of the Green Corridor,
the proposal would give rise to a detrimental change in the ability of the site to continue to function as a wide undeveloped corridor supporting varied wildlife habitat, wildlife connectivity and biodiversity,
the proposal would result in unjustified residential development on land which is flood zone 3, and
the site is not a brownfield site and the proposal would not provide overriding planning benefits sufficient to outweigh the significant harms identified above.”
The developer, Quinn Estates Ltd, appealed the decision in July 2020, requesting that the appeal was considered at a hearing (rather than by Written Representation).
After many delays due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the hearing was held virtually on 20 and 21st April of this year.
Appeal Decision
The Appeal Decision was received by South Ashford Community Forum, today, because we had submitted a representation and attended the hearing.
We reproduce some extracts of the decision below which we believe are relevant to future development proposals on this site and elsewhere on the Green Corridor:
Main issues
4. “There are three main issues in this case:
The effect of the proposal on the Ashford Green Corridor in policy terms.
The effect of the proposal on the Ashford Green Corridor in visual terms.
The effect of the proposal on the Ashford Green Corridor in wildlife terms.
All in relation to policies SP1 and ENV2 of the Ashford Local Plan (LP) 2030 and the Ashford Green Corridor Action Plan 2017 (AGCAP).”
The effect on the GC in policy terms
24. “Overall the existing site, as acknowledged by the appellant, is an important undeveloped gap. However, as I discuss below, I do not agree with the appellant’s conclusion that its contribution is at most low to medium. The proposed high density major residential development would neither be compatible with or ancillary to the main open space use. It therefore conflicts with the LP and the AGCAP.”
The effect on the GC in visual terms
31. “I appreciate the landscape proposals would introduce significant planting into the remaining area, and this is obviously a benefit. However I do not consider that this comes close to compensating for the loss of the openness of the site and its buffer function. I cannot accept the appellant’s conclusion that the introduction of a substantial residential development and managed parkland would lead to a heightened degree of tranquillity. Nor do I agree that the effect of the proposal would be highly localised, as the buffer function extends well beyond the site boundary.”
The effect on the GC in wildlife terms
39. “Overall the proposal would not harm the GC in wildlife terms, and would not conflict with LP policies SP1 and ENV2. But overall, due to my concern with potential disturbance, this matter is neutral in the planning balance.”
Other matter – the implications of the location in Flood Zone 3
42. “The Council accepts that the development would be safe and would diminish flood risk elsewhere and that it meets the exception test.”
43. “However, as noted by the Council, this does not mean that the grant of planning permission is automatic. The authority states that the proposal is unnecessary and unjustified.”
Other matter – housing land supply
46. “The position regarding the supply of land for housing changed in the period leading up to the Hearing. But at the Hearing it was confirmed by the Council that, for the purposes of the appeal, there was a 4.8 year supply – a small shortfall beneath the 5 year supply at which point the ‘tilted balance’ in the Framework would normally come into play.
47. However, the Framework provides that the tilted balance would only apply if and when an appropriate assessment had concluded that the proposal would not adversely affect the integrity of the protected sites.”
Planning documents
Ashford Borough Council’s Planning Case Reference is 19/00709/AS (tap to view all planning and appeal documents)
Flood alerts are also active for other areas of the Borough
Flooding is possible – be prepared
River levels are forecast to rise as a result of heavy rainfall overnight tonight. Flooding of roads and low lying land is expected from early tomorrow morning, Thursday 14th January 2021. We believe there is a possibility of flooding of low lying land and roads along the East Stour, Great Stour and tributaries around Ashford. Flooding of properties is not expected at this point. Prolonged rainfall is forecast over the next 24 hours. We are closely monitoring the situation and our incident response staff are prepared to respond if required. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses and plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers which may be flooded. This message will be updated by 10am tomorrow morning, Thursday 14th January 2021, or as the situation changes.
This information was last updated at 7:06pm Wednesday 13 January 2021
Flood alert – Prepare
prepare a bag that includes medicines and insurance documents
check flood warnings
Monitor the river level feed from on our River Levels page
River levels have risen as a result of persistent rainfall. Flooding of roads and low lying land is expected from 09:45 today, 05/01/21. We expect flooding to affect low lying land and roads along the River Great Stour, particularly around Great Chart. Further light rainfall is forecast over the next 24 hours until tomorrow morning, 06/01/21. We expect river levels to continue to rise until tomorrow evening, 06/01/21. Our incident response staff are actively monitoring the situation and are prepared to respond if required. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses. This message will be updated by 20:00 this evening on 05/01/21, or as the situation changes.
This information was last updated at 7:34am Tuesday 5 January 2021
Flood alert – Prepare
prepare a bag that includes medicines and insurance documents
check flood warnings
Monitor the river level feed from on our River Levels page
Ashford Borough Council is currently in the process of contingency planning for the possibility that daily bin collections will be adversely affected, due to potential disruption caused by traffic congestion across the borough, following the Brexit EU exit transition on the 1st January 2021.
ABC has been working with both the Government and KCC to ensure that additional waste collection and disposal resources are funded and work closely together. We have agreed longer working hours and priority delivery slots for our collection vehicles at the transfer station, as well as additional operating hours for collections crews. ABC will be taking a number of actions to minimise disruption to collections and to ensure they are completed in a timely manner, whilst keeping residents updated. These actions will include:
Residents being asked to present bins, when possible, the evening before collection, if this isn’t possible we will be asking residents to present them no later than 6am on the morning of collection.
The contractor will be providing additional collection crews to continue collections after 6pm if needed, to do our utmost to ensure collections are completed. If necessary, additional collection crews will be working late into the evening. Staff from the Street Scene service will be working rotational shifts to ensure service is monitored throughout so that issues that we can resolve (outside traffic congestion) are dealt with promptly. Missed collections can be reported here
The Council will be highlighting that additional recycling can be placed in clear sacks or cardboard boxes, or held over to place in the recycle bin once emptied.
The council will be posting regular updates on social media and on the council website, regarding the status of collections, to ensure residents understand what is happening so they can act accordingly.
ABC will continue working with Kent County Council and their contractor Biffa to ensure we deliver the most effective service possible for our residents.
The area covered by flood alerts has been extended to include the whole of the Great Stour from Lenham to Ashford, the East Stour from Postling to Ashford, Aylesford Stream and the Great Stour from Ashford to Sturry.
The threat on Ruckinge Dyke and Whitewater Dyke has been raised to Flood Warning.
Warnings and alerts are in force elsewhere in the Borough of Ashford
Flood warning – Act
turn off gas, water and electricity
move things upstairs or to safety
move family, pets and car to safety
Flood alert – Prepare
prepare a bag that includes medicines and insurance documents
River levels have risen as a result of heavy rainfall. Flooding of roads and low lying land is expected to start around 08:00 today 27/12/2020. This is likely to take place in the following locations: River East Stour, the Aylesford stream and the River Great Stour. Further heavy rain will continue till around 09:00 before the weather will clear apart from a few scattered showers. Further rainfall is forecast late tonight and into Monday. We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are patrolling catchments and clearing screens. The public are advised to keep clear of rivers and avoid driving in flood water as bow waves can cause property flooding. This message will be updated later this afternoon.
This information was last updated at 6:05am Sunday 27 December 2020
Flood alert – Prepare
prepare a bag that includes medicines and insurance documents
check flood warnings
Monitor the river level feed from on our River Levels page