
Water in your garden

Mr Splosh - Water Saving WeekWhy save water in your garden?

Saving water in your garden can save money and energy: Water uses energy to be pumped, heated and treated. Why not try using rainwater instead of your tap water to wash your car, water your plants and other garden/outdoor activities? You’ll save money, energy – and money – if you are on a water meter!

Saving water in your garden can help reduce the risk of flooding in your local area: By collecting rainwater in a water butt to use in your garden, you’re not only saving water but also preventing that water from just sitting on hard surfaces such as tarmac, or running directly across surfaces and back into rivers too quickly – both of which can contribute towards localised flooding.

Saving water can help your garden to thrive: Some plants, for example Acers, prefer to be watered with rainwater anyway so give them what they want – helps your garden thrive and saves water, helping to cut your water and energy bills too! (more…)

Water in your community

Mr Splosh - Water Saving WeekWhy save water in your community?

  • If everyone in a community uses water wisely it can have a greater and more positive impact on your local water resources, such as rivers and streams – which is where your tap water often comes from. This will help to make your community more resilient to the impacts of climate change and population growth, both of which have an effect on how much water there is in the environment.
  • Saving water in your community helps to protect your local water environments such as rivers, lakes and wetlands: Reducing the amount of water you use can help to minimise the amount of water that is abstracted from your local water resources. If too much water is removed, this can result in wildlife habitats being lost.
  • Saving water in your community helps make a bigger difference: Everyone working together within local communities makes a big difference to people and places! It can help bring communities together and preserve what you love about your local environment, making sure it remains a delightful place to enjoy.


Water at Home

Mr Splosh - Water Saving WeekWhy save water in your home?

  • Saving water at home helps reduce the amount of water we use (and waste) and can therefore save money and energy: If we waste less water we are more efficient with our water use – this not only saves water but also money if you’re on a meter through reducing both your water and energy bills. Did you know that just by fixing a dripping tap could save you £18 a year, not to mention 5,500 litres of water? And that heating water in your home for baths, showers and taps can account for up to 25% of your energy bill?
  • Saving water at home now helps us to be prepared and able to cope as water becomes more scarce: The South East and other parts of the UK have less water available per head than in Egypt (it’s also said that London is drier than Istanbul) and this is only expected to become the case for other parts of the UK with the combined effects of climate change and population increases. So, there is an increasing need for us to be more efficient with our water use so we are better prepared for these threats that our water supplies face.


Water in your workplace

Water Saving WeekWhy save water at work?

  • Saving water at work can help you save other resources: If you include the products we use our water consumption is 3400 litres a day! If your workplace cuts down on these products not only water will be saved but also money, as most commercial premises are on a water meter. For example, if your workplace uses recycled paper and card products you can not only save water (roughly
    10 litres of water is used for every new sheet of A4) but also trees, energy and money!
  • Saving water at work can save energy: Many companies find that when they save water they can also save money on energy and process costs. For example, by saving water through having less air-con units and using natural ventilation via windows instead, energy bills will also be reduced, saving your business money.


Save Water in your school

Water Saving Week
Why save water in your school?

  • Saving water at your school can help you save other resources: If you include the products we use as well as actual water use, our daily water consumption is 3400 litres! One sheet of A4 uses 10 litres of water to produce, so try and make sure it’s only used when essential!
  • Saving water at your school can save energy: Water needs energy to pump, treat and heat it, whilst energy needs a lot of water to produce it – so by saving one you’ll save the other! Saving water and energy will also save schools money as they are on a meter, as well as promoting sustainable behaviour and helping to protect the environment.
  • Saving water at your school can help educate people about the environment: By taking action and saving water (and energy as a result), your school will be actively demonstrating that anyone can use water more wisely and set a good example for future water consumers. Make sure you tell staff, parents and the wider community about your water saving actions!


‘Victoria Way’ EIA Screening Submitted

03-PRS-Developer U+I have requested that Ashford Borough Council screen their proposals for land at the junction of Beaver Road and Victoria Road (the ‘Victoria Way’ development) for the requirement to carry out an Environmental Impact Assessment.

The submission indicates that three applications will be submitted

  • Application A – Brewery (located on the junction opposite the Station) Residential and Commercial Units (located behind the Beaver Road Service Station)
  • Application B – Hotel (located on the junction opposite Home Plus)
  • Application C – Foodstore (located between Victoria Road and the Railway)

The developer concludes that the proposed development (individually and cumulatively) will not result in any significant environmental impacts that give rise to a need to undertake an Environmental Impact Assessment. (more…)

Forum responds to Park Masterplan

Kentish Express 17 March 2016

Kentish Express
17 March 2016

South Ashford Community Forum are pleased that Ashford Borough Council’s Cabinet have recognised the importance of Victoria Park and Watercress Fields to the residents of Ashford and that the planned development in the area creates both the need and the opportunity to provide investment into the Park.

Some residents have expressed concern that the proposals might cause a loss of open space in the park but we believe that this results from misunderstanding of what is intended. It is important for people to understand that the Masterplan is Draft and constitutes outline proposals that will be subject to consultation. Detailed proposals will be developed from the Masterplan and implementation is dependent on the availability of funding from grants and contributions from developers, of sites such as the Powergen and Jemmett Road Campus. The timetable given in some of the information being circulated is the outline programme for Fountain Zone work, not the implementation of the whole plan. Even these proposals are subject to two successful bids to the Heritage Lottery Fund.

We look forward to working with the Council in development of the proposals and will continue to provide updates at our meetings and via our website and facebook page.

Victoria Park Masterplan

Victoria ParkFollowing the presentation by Chris Dixon at the South Ashford Community Forum September 2016 Meeting, Chris with other officers and consultants employed by Ashford Borough Council have produced a Draft Masterplan for the development of Victoria Park. The Draft Masterplan will go before ABC’s Cabinet on 10th March for adoption.

The first part of the proposals that will be developed is based on the heritage of the Park, focused on the Hubert Fountain. A Heritage Lottery Fund bid is planned to finance this part of the work. The first stage of the bid will be submitted this month, to fund Development of the heritage proposals. If the bid is successful, the Development Phase is expected to take a year to complete, after which a further bid will be made to fund Delivery (implementation) of the Proposals. The Delivery is expected to take 15 – 18 months from March 2018, completing between July and September 2019. (more…)