
Register by tomorrow (6th Jan) to Treecycle your tree

Treecycling posterDonate to Pilgrims’ Hospice and they’ll take away your Christmas tree.

  1. Register and make your suggested donation
    online registration will close at midnight on Wednesday 6 January
  2. Leave your tree outside on Saturday 9th & Sunday 10th January
  3. Volunteers will make doorstep collections

Register and pay online
or call the hotline 01233 504111

Collections are available for all Ashford Borough residents


Christmas Recycling & Refuse Collections 2015/16

recyclingAll refuse and recycling should be out for collection by 6am over Christmas and New Year. Please note collections may take place up to one day later than shown, with possible extra collections on Saturdays.

There will be NO garden or bulk collections for two weeks; w/c 28/12/2015 and w/c 04/01/2016 (except for those due for collection on Friday 25 December, which will be collected on Monday 28 December instead).

During the festive period, your recycling and refuse collections may take place on different days. … 2015/11/18/christmas-recycling-refuse-collections-201516/

Consultation on new lorry area

Proposals for a major new lorry area that would help improve Kent’s resilience when services across the English Channel are disrupted have been announced today.

Two potential sites near the M20 have been identified for the lorry area, along with four broad ways it could be used. Each option would help to prevent the need for the M20 to be closed when there is disruption to cross-channel services.

The consultation asks for views on the suitability of each proposed sites, and on how it should be operated.

Highways England and Andrew Jones MP 11 December 2015 (more…)

Healthier, happier people

One in four adults in England are obese and a further 37% are overweight.


Regular walking, jogging and cycling can help guard against asthma, depression, diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis and some cancer.

People who take the bus or train to work instead of driving have a lower BMI and a healthier bodyweight.

Driving less means improved health, wellbeing, and less stress.


‘Drive less, live more’ campaign launched by Brake

  • Road Safety Week footprint75% of drivers surveyed think people in the UK use their cars too much
  • Air pollution is estimated to kill 52,500 people in the UK each year
  • 43% of adults in England don’t meet the recommended 150 minutes of exercise per week. Cycling or a brisk walk to work can meet these recommendations.
  • Five deaths and 64 serious injuries happen daily on UK roads, up 4% on the previous year

A national campaign launched today (23 November) by the charity Brake at the start of Road Safety Week calls on drivers to drive less, live more. The campaign aims to make roads safer, especially for people on foot and bike; save money; make communities more pleasant; protect the environment; and improve public health.

As part of the campaign, Brake and partners AIG and Specsavers today reveal statistics confirming the devastating effects on health and wellbeing of driving, including the extent of air pollution, the shocking number of deaths it causes, and levels of ‘inactivity’ across different parts of the UK.

A map of the UK showing statistics for each local authority is now live at roadsafetyweek.org.uk/drivelessmap for your analysis. (more…)

Ashford Town Centre Conservation Area Review

Ashfored Borough CouncilAshford Borough Council (ABC) have appointed a consultant to undertake a review of the Conservation Area (CA) of Ashford Town Centre. This includes an updated appraisal of the CA which describes the history and character of the area as well as discussing enhancement opportunities in a new management plan. The document is in draft form and ABC would like the views of local residents on the content. You can view the draft appraisal and proposals through this online consultation, where you can make as many comments as you wish.

Public exhibition

ABC are also holding a public exhibition in St Mary’s Church Hall on Saturday 28th November from10am-1pm for residents and business owners to come along and view the documents in person. (more…)

Christmas Recycling & Refuse Collections 2015/16

recyclingDuring the festive period, your recycling and refuse collections may take place on different days. Check our calendar below – and read on for tips on how to recycle more this Christmas!

Week Normal Collection Day Revised Collection Day
REFUSE Mon 21 Dec Mon 21 Dec (no change)
Tues 22 Dec Tues 22 Dec (no change)
Wed 23 Dec Wed 23 Dec (no change)
Thurs 24 Dec Thurs 24 Dec (no change)
Fri 25 Dec Mon 28 Dec
RECYCLING Mon 28 Dec Tues 29 Dec
Tues 29 Dec Wed 30 Dec
Wed 30 Dec Thurs 31 Dec
Thurs 31 Dec Sat 2 Jan
Fri 1 Jan Mon 4 Jan
REFUSE Mon 4 Jan Tues 5 Jan
Tues 5 Jan Wed 6 Jan
Wed 6 Jan Thurs 7 Jan
Thurs 7 Jan Fri 8 Jan
Fri 8 Jan Sat 9 Jan

Normal collections resume on Monday 11 January.

All refuse and recycling should be out for collection by 6am over Christmas and New Year. Please note collections may take place up to one day later than shown, with possible extra collections on Saturdays. (more…)